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How often do you perform backups?



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  1. 1. How often do you perform regular backups (on average)

    • Daily
    • Once a week
    • Every other week
    • Once a month
    • Every other month
    • Every 3 months
    • Once every 6 months
    • Once a year
    • Backups? I don't need no stinkin backups!
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I backup my network to my server once a week on Sunday nights, religiously. I backup my wife's My Documents, her Quicken, my My Docs (pics, music, etc.), my hard-to-find downloads, and both of our .pst files for Outlook. I am paranoid about losing my digital pics. If I do a big offload from my digital camera in the middle of the week, I'll run the backup then as well. Those are the most important to me.


I saw a friend lose a 30GB drive chock full of every digital pic he's ever taken. He was nauseous and just about in tears when he realized - yep, you guessed it... no backups. Every digital pic - gone forever.


I have a customer that has RAID-1 in his server, plus a tape backup every day, plus 2 USB HDDs that he backs up the entire server plus his three PCs once a month and rotates the drives and keeps once in a safety deposit box, plus a digital Iron Mountain backup that runs every night over his DSL connection. It's a differential backup so it only grabs what changes. He is the perfect example - you can never be too paranoid about your backups!

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Not often enough. :P


I do a full image of my boot drive every weekend but the rest of my data on my storage drives isn't backed up onto anything.

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I use two PC's in my office, one I work from the other is strickly for backup (it is also set up as an FTP server so I can access information when I'm on the road and not have to worry about loading everything onto my laptop before I leave town)


On the main office PC I have a 70gig raid array (2x36gig wd raptor) that has only the operating system and programs installed. This drive has a full image made of it every Sunday morning at 1AM automatically (I use Drive Image 7.0 for this) I also have a 160gig raid array (2x80gig wd) for all document and file storage (both personal and business). This drive is backed up everymorning at 3AM (using SyncBack).


My media PC has over 700gigs (so far) of movies and music. I don't have anything with enough storage space to back it up to at the moment but I do have all of the original CD's and DVD's safely stored away. The media is stored across four 250gig drives (not in a raid array) so if one went down I would not have to restore everything but it would still be a pain. B:)

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Tempesta, tell him to ditch that iron mountain crap. they're not backing thier stuff up. if he goes down and they happen to go down at the same time he's toast.



one of my business ventures is doing the exact same thing for customers. each of the OSS servers is backed up just like I mentioned before. the only change I'll be making is duplicating the data center from detroit in dallas texas. acts of a vengeful god would have a difficult time taking out both of the data centers :)




fueler... for once I'm gonna call you an ameture! 700gb of music AND movies ?!?!?!?


500gb of music and about 5tb of movies, all raided and striped on the new 1tb seagate drives. granted it's all stored on servers, not the MCE computers themselves :) can get to them from anywhere in the WAN and not have to worry about them. and yes I also own ALL the original CD's and DVD's (just incase some of you piracy clowns want to cry about it).

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fueler... for once I'm gonna call you an ameture! 700gb of music AND movies ?!?!?!?


500gb of music and about 5tb of movies, all raided and striped on the new 1tb seagate drives. granted it's all stored on servers, not the MCE computers themselves :) can get to them from anywhere in the WAN and not have to worry about them. and yes I also own ALL the original CD's and DVD's (just incase some of you piracy clowns want to cry about it).


Rich people make me sad :(

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fueler... for once I'm gonna call you an ameture! 700gb of music AND movies ?!?!?!?


500gb of music and about 5tb of movies, all raided and striped on the new 1tb seagate drives. granted it's all stored on servers, not the MCE computers themselves :) can get to them from anywhere in the WAN and not have to worry about them. and yes I also own ALL the original CD's and DVD's (just incase some of you piracy clowns want to cry about it).


Hey I'm working on it.........I have about twentyfive years worth of VHS movies and vinyl albums (remember those :lol: ) I bought but I'm not sure if the movies are worth converting (they look like cr*p on an HDTV) B:)

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some of us are only 26 years old... so we haven't had enough time to collect all that old stuff.





though I have converted the VHS stuff... most of which was kids crap anyway.



as for vinal LPs... yeah I have those too. most of it was classical stuff, and was converted years ago.

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500gb of music and about 5tb of movies, all raided and striped on the new 1tb seagate drives.

500gb of music?! Is that including music videos, or just audio? I've got 35gb of audio and I'm just about out of stuff I would like to add. And I consider my tastes pretty vast too, covering most genres. Even at high encoding rates, that's roughly 5,000 albums. Unless you've got every live CD and bootleg of every concert from every band you've ever been a fan of, I just can't see someone even liking 500gb worth of music...

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as for vinal LPs... yeah I have those too. most of it was classical stuff, and was converted years ago.


I know this is getting way off subject so I apologize ahead of time but what program did you use to convert the music and could you edit out scratches and that sort of thing?

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