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Occ News: Site Design Has Been Updated


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I keep wondering what the fuss is about with the square ad, but I realized that it's not that big of a deal for me since I have a widescreen monitor and it's not up in my face.


Overall, I like the new design. Some of the color suggestions weren't bad, but overall, it's a move in the right direction. Now I'm looking forward to the next change ;)

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I keep wondering what the fuss is about with the square ad, but I realized that it's not that big of a deal for me since I have a widescreen monitor and it's not up in my face.


:withstupid: I too have a widescreen monitor and was wondering what all the fuss was about until I got to work and opened OCC on my non-widescreen work monitor. Now I understand everyone saying it takes focus away since the two ads at the top fairly dominate the area there.


Everyone should just buy a widescreen monitor. OCC will look better for you and gaming will never be the same. :)

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I was complaining about the ad spaces because there was a big blank space next to the "Latest Form Topics" column. Widescreeen here too. But a blank space and uncentered text throws me off.


I see however that is fixed. Looks a bit better. But the colours are still off. It's looking better tho', keep up the good work. :thumbs-up:

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I didnt go through and read all 3 pages as Im getting ready to go to work, but I love the new design, however I dont like how when you click on the new topics on the front page it opens a new tab in firefox...that should be changed...

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Overall, I think the change is good. I think it's done a very good job of moving away from "just blue and orange" without completely losing the old OCC colors. I understand the concerns about the addition of adspace to the front page, but please keep in mind that sites like this don't host themselves. Somebody has to pay hosting fees, and it's either us or advertisers. If I have to look at a few ads on the front page in order to keep it free, it's not the end of my world.


With regards to the colors, overall I think they're good. The two things I have noticed are these: The "lavender-ish" color for the news dates doesn't seem to fit the scheme at all. I think they would look better and help to break up the news days more if they were white. Also, the background color of the "latest articles" heading box seems to be a sort of pale-green-ish color, while other the other boxes like it are a grey color. Is that intended?


Also, I think the logo contest idea is a VERY cool one. I bet we'd be pretty surprised at what came from it. We've got a lot of graphics talent around here and we should take advantage of that free labor.... erm.... I mean.... harness those resources :P

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Small tweak to the top layout gives it more balance when you remove the ads.

(completely understand the necessity of having the ads there btw.. I just choose to block them :lol:)


I'm getting used to the colours a bit now, though it still doesn't feel completely integrated to me.


A logo contest is an interesting idea.

Any logo changes (even if it's just sticking with the new one as it is) need to be reflected in all buttons, banners other site graphics etc.

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I deffinetely like the new look, but I dont like the ads, maybe they could be done alittle different, but I really feel the old design was well OLD lol, it looked so plain and boring, but this new one is deffinetely more colorful and bright. B:)

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perhaps to liven up the page, there should be some images next to each news header in the 'Tech News' section of the page. When you go to other sites they usually have an image next to the story/news header which relates to the article. This sparks interest in the articles, and just makes the page seem more 'lively' in my opinion. These images don't even have to be unique. Even just using a standard picture for each subject would suffice. (ie. 3 articles on video cards would each have the same default video card image beside each header.)

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perhaps to liven up the page, there should be some images next to each news header in the 'Tech News' section of the page. When you go to other sites they usually have an image next to the story/news header which relates to the article. This sparks interest in the articles, and just makes the page seem more 'lively' in my opinion. These images don't even have to be unique. Even just using a standard picture for each subject would suffice. (ie. 3 articles on video cards would each have the same default video card image beside each header.)

ummm....there have been pictures next to the tech news articles for @ least 2 months now.....


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