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What Is Wrong With People?!?!?!?!?


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I get a call tonight that they need a concrete drill bit, concrete ancors, a hunk of plywood and all the screws... taken upto the bar.



why you might ask...



some flaming asprin clown decided to be funny and tear the soap dispensers and paper towel dispensers off the wall in the mens room. litterally busting concrete in the process!


Both of my bouncers are upset and appoligizing to me for it. but I don't feel there was anything they could have / should have done. they're not paid to watch the bathrooms... they're paid to watch the tables / bar area. and all things considered they do an excellent job at that. just angers me to no end that people who should be responsible adults coming into a nice establishment could act like... oh say ADULTS!!!!

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Have you so soon forgotten about liquid courage. It makes you do stupid things. I hate walking into a restroom and seeing that kind of destruction. Had the same thing happen at work. The idiots in the warehouse decided to rip down the partitions in the mens room and put a hole the size of a basketball above the urinal and no one knows how it happened!

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the part that gets me is the clientel is NOT like this as a general rule.



since I took over we've had ONE person tossed for too much drinking. the wait staff is very good about not over serving. and that one person in 10 weeks equals the total for the previous 3 years.


drunken idiocy is not at all common. it's generally a very well controlled and respectful crowd... heck even on busy friday and saturday nights I can walk in and know a good 30% of the patrons by name. the staff probably can address a good 75% of them on a first name basis. it's just not the way things are around there :(


I'd even go as far as to say the regulars were even upset by this. many of them consider it "thier" bar. which is great in my book.

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that sounds like a good idea capthowdy...lol


but that is a bunch of crap, I could see it if it was in the bad part of town (flint for me) and people are getting to drunk and getting high on things, but even still its not your house, its not your property so LEAVE IT ALONE AND RESPECT IT!

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I may be biased and I may be projecting a little but....I would have to say that this individual that decided to do some interior adjusting to your bathroom probably had to much to drink? If this could be a safe assumption I would have a meeting with the staff. Let's face it, working in a bar estabolishment is like babysitting. All the employees need to be alert and watch the 'mood' in circles or parties. I'm sure you're up-to-speed on indentifying possible conflicts or a troubled patron. To me it's quite easy. Trust me, I've been in countless of bars in my day and seen more than my share.


Having a meeting with staff isn't a bad idea to JUST remind them on keeping alert. I know that sometimes it will get to busy for bartenders/waitresses to watch for certain behaviours that could develop into a situation (like arranging the bathroom?). So this is where your bouncers come in. They need to watch the floor more carefully for such behaviours. Anyways...I don't want to tell you how to run your estabolishment but just to give you some reminders.

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you could have one of those guys that site in the bathroom and hand you a towel or open the door for you when your exiting the restroom just have the guy big really big so when the guy comes in there planning to rip some things off the wall he will think twice or you could just go with the land mine idea and save money on hiring a new person. or on a other note if your wanting to know who did it then just post a flier up asking anyone if they know what happend.

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I'm all for the landmine idea. It would be cheaper in the short term, but the cost of scraping human intrails off the ceiling and counters, plus the cost of repairing the stalls and sinks damaged by the blast, would more than make up for the money saved installing the landmine. I would say have a bathroom attendant :D

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