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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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Here is it after 24hrs, still on stock voltage Despite what CPU-Z says!). Can I get extra credit for my stellar RAM timings?




Remember, that is the Vista Transformation Pack, so it isn't some crazy fluke.

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For whatever it's worth.....Asus P5B Deluxe, E6420, Mushkin DDR2 800, PC P&C Silencer 750 Quad. Just got it set up....mems at stock settings 5-5-5-18. Super PI 1m isn't too bad, Super PI 32m looks like it need's some work OCCT stable but didn't grab a screeny....


Edit: Stock Intel CPU HSF....upgrade on the way



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yea man, you get put to the top for those sleek RAM timings!!! I can't compete in that category :lol:


added man ;)



I don't know if you are being sarcastic, or if you actually noticed that my DDR2 runs at 1T.

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naa, I was actually being sarcastic but DID notice that it was at 1T. I would run mine at 1T as well (is rated 1T), but my mobo doesn't have the option to change that!


Fueler, nice rig!! Lemme make a wild guess, SMP folding? ;) Added man!


[Edit] Fueler, those times do look a bit fast! Either the extra 2MB L2 Cache really kick butt, or something is weird there. Was that possibly at 1T and not 2T?

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Fueler, nice rig!! Lemme make a wild guess, SMP folding? ;) Added man!


[Edit] Fueler, those times do look a bit fast! Either the extra 2MB L2 Cache really kick butt, or something is weird there. Was that possibly at 1T and not 2T?


SMP Folding? Ohh Yeah.......I'm assuming it's 2T because the board does not give me the option to change it. I've run super PI several times at both 1M and 32M and get at or near the same result everytime so I guess it's the extra 2MB L2 Cache, also I've noticed that one core (Core 1) is just a tad faster than the other core (Core 0) everytime.


At 3.2 GHz my 3dmark05 scores go straight down the toilet (5000+ range) but at 3.0 GHz my 3dmark05 scores are in the high 10,000 low 11,000 range....haven't figured that one out yet. :glare:


Edit: I don't use "Window Blinds" just the modified uxtheme.dll B:)


Edit: For comparison Super PI 1M at 3.0Ghz, 4-4-4-12 @375Mhz X8


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:) Cool competition... So here are my results:

Suicide Screenshot: 4752MHz - Celeron 351 - waterchiller - http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=162761

SuperPI 32M: 4021MHz - E6400 - 13m32.656 - waterchiller - http://images.people.overclockers.ru/107449.jpg

SuperPI 1M: 4267MHz - E6400 - 13.84 - phase - http://images.people.overclockers.ru/121066.png

Edited by Drager

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