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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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Nice. I heard P45 boards don't do good on spi though. Take that 13 seconds!




Go get wprime and then we'll talk about skills. :D


Yea, yea, show me some 3600 MHz runs, not 4000 MHz. Whoop dee doo, you have water, I don't. You're going to win the highest speed challenge. Let's put up some wPrime 32M runs at 3600 MHz...

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Got a 24hr prime 95 for vista clock going for 20.5 hr with the hardware in my sig.

Temps are haunted with this modded Tuniq, both real temp and core temp report 56-58c but it is a cool 19c in my Apartment. :blush:

If I just jinxed it then Kitfit I need some of your magic clock skills to help me reach 24 hours my friend. :D

Edited by Kingfisher

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Well just got this Q9650 today, put in some settings and booted right up. This thing clocks the same as my E8400 E0 at the same volts, just runs hotter.


I didnt tweak anything yet, this is the 1st thing I tried, lol.


1M Spi



32M Spi



I'm sure I can lower voltage or clock higher, this is the 1st test, passed with flying colors!!


Edit: Well it failed OCCT after 30min, so on to tweaking

Edited by SpeedEuphoria

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Well just got this Q9650 today, put in some settings and booted right up. This thing clocks the same as my E8400 E0 at the same volts, just runs hotter.


I didnt tweak anything yet, this is the 1st thing I tried, lol.



I'm sure I can lower voltage or clock higher, this is the 1st test, passed with flying colors!!

Q9650 is a beast... thumbsup.gif

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I know I can't pass you. I can't make 4 GHz on air. I'm happy enough beating you at the same clock.


Yep, and I'll give that to you. Your 3.6 ghz scores beat mine, but when it comes to highest score possible with no rules I win. That's only because I have water though lol.

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Edit: Remade this whole post.


Count this as my suicide screenie too, just to get me in the list :D


Edit2: OMG I'm retarded, I put the all done box over the result for 1m hahahaha. Its 10.951s, I'll make a new screen when I'm home from work for proof :D


Edit3: 1M screen update

Edited by ebarone

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