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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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Hey road-runner, do you normally have that Windows theme or do you do it for better clock speeds? I forget where, but I recently read that the old classic themes in XP are actually pasted overtop of the default green and blue theme, so it may be helpful to re-enable the default theme, if thats why you have that theme. If you have it because you like it then just ignore me :D

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Nono, what I mean is, when you are in XP, do you leave the default XP theme? The green and blue start bar and all that good junk? Because "turning it off" according to someone else (as in, I didnt check on this myself so dont put too much faith in what I say lol) isnt really turning anything off. The "off" look is actually just a theme drawn over the normal theme and the true off is the normal XP theme, so if you're trying to save clock cycles, try using the default windows theme. <shrug> give it a shot anyways, maybe whoever I read that from was full of it :D

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He's using Vista so it's a different story. Vista has an Aero feature built in that's supposed to make the windows all special and junk. Anyways, it's just another way for Microsoft to waste more CPU cycles. So in Vista, reverting to the classic Windows look actually saves cycles.


AJ, add a link to your database in your sig...

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Any Suicides yet RR? BTW, in the i7 part of my website u can click on the names to bring up the SS ;)

I cant get it to boot over 205 x 21 with HT on or off, of course I just started messing with it late last night and a little this morning. Where is this website?

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My bad, I thought he said XP


I believe you are correct for XP though.


Also, here's some new scores: (Finally broke the 13 second barrier with a 3600 MHz Q9450 (Let's see it L33t...))



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