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Occ Awards 06!


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I dunno, I'm still rocking the Socket A.


He's using a SLOT A 1.3ghz ATHLON :lol: NOT socket A, lol, and it doesn't even have any letters after the word "athlon" :lol::bah:


Preliminary categories to be posted soon

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nope, taz has i believe a 754 or 939 system for his main ;)


dang, I but computergee or whatever he's called still uses that K6 doesn't he?

andrew05 is close on there :P

my laptop (current main rig) is still pretty bad, with the grafiks card that stopped production after 3 weeks because it was so bad.

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PLEASE by all means, if you could suggest more funny categories, by all means go ahead :)


I need all your opinions!!!!!! :thumbs-up:

Edited by The Unforgivin

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I suppose I'm not in the running for anything this year :P


Can I get a special mention for posthumous best avatar, which we all know I should have won last time :lol::D

LIES! If I recall correctly, I actually won by a large margin :P (I remember because I was as surprised as you :P lol)

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