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Old School Games

Mr Black Cat

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All of the games I've seen so far are NOT "old school". If there any older guys in here besides me, please speak up now. Because my definition of "Old School" are games like;


Mortal Kombat 4

Mario Bros.


I think just about every one here has Mario Bros. on their list of games. That being said, a lot of your "old school games" are on NES, which a lot of people have listed games as their favorites. So how are your NES games magically older & more old school that everyone else's?


And you're ranting about being "true old school" but then you throw in MK4 :bah:


And as for Pac Man, Asteroids, Galaga, i LOVE all those games as well. In fact my dad had the world record score in Tempest back in the day.



OMG possibly the next hardest game to beat right after contra :P



Contra isn't that hard IMO....me and my buddy can beat it in less than an hour easily

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Ranting? No. Don't misinterpret. Just stating that IMO Quake and the games that came out in late 90's to early 2000 aren't that old school. Maybe for the kids that are now gaming. So what if the games are NES? I don't care if what they're from. Fact: Most games I listed are STILL Old school. Furthermore, Mario Bros is old school you're are correct. I listed it as I also know and agree that the game is old school. And Last, your comment of;

So how are your NES games magically older & more old school that everyone else's?
Pipe down Junior, Most of these games I've played LONG before you were even born. That is not pulling a rabbit out of a hat, it's fact. Oh! What was your fathers score anyway? I am intrigued to know?! That game kicked major butt!!!!

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Pipe down Junior, Most of these games I've played LONG before you were even born. That is not pulling a rabbit out of a hat, it's fact. Oh! What was your fathers score anyway? I am intrigued to know?! That game kicked major butt!!!!


:lol: @ "Pipe down Junior" :lol:


regarding my comment, i just found it strange that you were saying how none of the games listed so far were "old school" but then you list games from the same era...thats what i meant by it (and the NES comment as well)


And i have no idea what my dad's score was...I'm seeing him this weekend, if I remember, i'll ask him.

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here's my spin on things.


while someone aged 14 my consider retro to be one thing, someone 34 will consider it to be something VERY different. I attribute this to logical reasoning, seeing as one person is 20 years older than the other, thus played on games twenty years earlier.


mr 14 y/o considers a game like Tenchu or Metal Gear Solid as 'retro' and at a push, games like Star Fox.


mr 34 year old likes games from the 80's and this makes complete sense. while i wasnt around playing games back then, i do know one or two "classics" that i have played here and there. Mr 34 y/o likes, pacman, donkey kong, moon patrol, frogger, asteroids, duck hunt and so forth.


it's a tell-tale sign of how old people are really in my opinion! quite interesting too, as i forget that Final Fantasy 7 is actually nearly 10 years old now...how embarrassing that I still love it so much today!

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wow, i'm amazed somebody else actually knew about that game!


it was also cloned in similar styles, like, Mylos Mines (no, mylos mines wasnt - altho it was a great game) and Boulderdash. I also remember it being called Rockfall as well on some old 286 :D

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