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New Raptor!


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Looks like WD has a new Raptor drive. It is 150Gb, 10000RPM, NCQ, SATA. It even has a clear top aparently. At least thats what the email said from WD. More spam... err. Only problem I have with it is the fact that the drive cost $350 :(


.:EDIT:. Here is a link!



Edited by CNUco2007

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looks pretty cool, allthough i dont really see the point of being able to watch your harddrive do its thing....like...wow we can watch my hardrive spin!!!! like who cares....my hardrive spins aswell.... they shouldn't have put the clear top on, and that would lower the price probably...

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yea i agree. i dont think a clear top justifies $50. aparently you can get it w/out the top on WD's site and its only $300. Hell, w/ that $50 you can almost get another 80Gb WD SATA drive lol


The only good thing i see in it is the fact its finally up to 150Gb. Much better than 74Gb. Now if only the price was reasonable. I never found the price to performance ration of the raptor to be worth it IMO. <_<

Edited by CNUco2007

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yea i agree. i dont think a clear top justifies $50. aparently you can get it w/out the top on WD's site  and its only $300. Hell, w/ that $50 you can almost get another 80Gb WD SATA drive lol


The only good thing i see in it is the fact its finally up to 150Gb. Much better than 74Gb. Now if only the price was reasonable. I never found the price to performance ration of the raptor to be worth it IMO.  <_<


my $200 was well spent on a 300gig seagate, and then throw in those nice rebates and its even a sweeter deal :D

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I put a clear cover on a harddrive a long time ago :lol: .


If there is a performance improvement then 300 bucks would be alright for someone who doesnt want the hastle of a 2x74gb setup(or cant like me cuz gpu cooler blocks second locked SATA header >.<). If its same performance the 2x74 would give just about the same space with better performance, basically making it useless.

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well the new raptor is old news (it was posted here before), but I see WD finally created an official site for it, so that's cool.


As for whether it's worth the price compared to Striping two 74GB raptors. If the new one is the same performance or slightly better, then I'd say yes for two reasons:

1. stability; having one drive is more stable and secure, plus data recovery is simpler, than Raid-0

2. You can always take two of these and Raid-0 them :P. I mean, let's compare apples to apples :P


Plus, the new raptor has 16mb cache...doesn't the current crop have 8mb?


As for the window. Well, if I had a case that displayed the top of the harddrive, then I'd probably get one, but as my case has trays, you can't see the top, so no point even with my window.


(ps. sorry, but i typed this an hour ago, and then got caught up in work...but i'm too lazy to go back and see if anyone has said what I was going to say, so :P)

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