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What Makes A Man A Real Man?


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Great story, gave me something to read. And how old are you again? Because, and I don't mean any offense, but I hate people who try and be older than they are and never have a fun life as a kid. I heard you were like 15 or something so I said that.


The story was good, but I have had heard similar things a million times now....people know this already, but this does not mean that fighting is always a bad thing....

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Nicely done KB, I hope you keep up this attitude, It'll keep you from ALOT of danger.


But seriously I just let them talk until they touch me... then I'll pop them in the eye. Fist to fist, I hate ppl who fight with weapons (wuss!)

Edited by silkster

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Very insightful. But idiots like his father-in-law are the reasons I try not to waste my time dealing with other people. Sometimes being a misanthropic, anti-social introvert has its advantages.


I wouldn't call myself a pacifist, but I try to avoid unnecessary conflicts. ...but sometimes I would just love to beat a person's face into mush.

Edited by Bleeble

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Did you write this just to write it, or is it an essay for school? If it's not for school, then it's great, but if it is for school, it needs more elaboration (invoke the senses some more, pull the reader into it) and rethink the intro and thesis. Starting the story out with a question isnt very powerful. None the less, it's still a great story, and an even greater moral.

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