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Faulty Xbox 360 Rumors... Not True?!?!?


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Interesting that 1up removed that... I still believe it though. Its been . me off becuase the rumors ARE working. EVERY SINGLE PERSON that has asked me if i have a 360 immediatly asks "Has it crashed yet?!' right after.



Yeah all I here at school now is "I not gonna get on Xbox360 after I heard it crashes and stuff"

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I could believe that sony did that. But I have doubts that there are any real big problems with the 360. The one at walmart is running all day and I havent heard of any crashing.

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My brother works at walmart, and one of my buddies works at EB they both said that between the 7 stores 3 walmarts 4 EBs not a single one has exsperience any problems. My brother also said it wasn't uncommon to arrive for work the next day and find the 360 left on from the night before. Some of these consoles are running constantly with no overheating at all! On a funny note my best freinds wife said she was going to divorce him because she never sees him anymore since he got his new 360. His machine is on 24/7 he has alot of new friends lately lol. Again not a single glitch. This things is really a piece of work :D

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I want to see some percentages on this "problem". Its gotta be less than 1% because I have talked to tons of people who have no problems. And if there was really an overheating problem, those kiosks have the systems crammed into minimum space so I would think those would be the first to break. But they aren't.


On a side not, my dad came home from work today with 2 xbox360 hats and 2 xbox360 t-shirts. That should boost my auction prices a bit when I sell it.

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looks like real problems to me...  :bah:  PS3.. i cant wait


guess it wasn't sony after all. people are so paranoid.


I want to see some percentages on this "problem". Its gotta be less than 1% because I have talked to tons of people who have no problems. And if there was really an overheating problem, those kiosks have the systems crammed into minimum space so I would think those would be the first to break. But they aren't.

Not exactly, because the problem described in the above article about the psu makes sense. It's the same with a laptop. If you put a laptop on carpet, unless it has large "legs" it'll eventually get very very hot because the air can't escape. In those kiosks, the consoles, though they look crammed in, are actually pretty well situated since the backs are open for the wires and cooling purposes. (even if you can't see the back of it, it's still "open" inside the kiosk contraption.

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