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^ That's an Idea :lol:


My clothes consist of blue and black jeans, board shorts, check shirts, skate/surf t-shirts and a couple of hoodies (as well as smart stuff) and I find I don't really fit into any category 'non-conformist' 'mainstream' or otherwise.

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i like some of the following brands, ecko unlimited, rockawear, state property, sean john, timberland, marithe+francois girbaud (i think thats how its spelled), prada, air jordans, and a few others that i cant remember :lol:

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And i know that i should just dress the way i want and not care what people think and blah blah blah but i really want to stand out in a crowd.



^^^ Ditto! Hit the nail on the head all by yourself lol. Why in the hell care what other people think, how they dress, or whether you stand out in a crowd? That is just inmature and childish. Just dress however you feel comfortable, but please dress half way decent for job interviews and when you go to work. lol

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what style clothing is in your area, you can probably dress up with "city style". and no offense but lol @ that fighter pilot helm :lol:


lol, seriously. where you from? no offense, but if people wore hats like that over here in NYC/LI, I wouldn't think they're nonconformists, I'd think they were either gay or from England ;)


Just dress the way you want.

:withstupid: Unless you're restricted to certain attire by an employer, where what you're comfortable with. If you think you look good, others will too (or at least those you care about will)


these days, not conforming is conforming because invidualism is the latest fad.  This is why, IMO, so many high school girls are "bi" all of the sudden.


lol, so naive you are :P. I'm glad you think they're bi "all of the sudden." I've been out of high school for 7 years now, and hs girls being bi is nothing new. There was this group of girls we affectionately referred to as the "Lesbian Bubble." LOL. memories. hahaha


i like some of the following brands, ecko unlimited, rockawear, state property, sean john, timberland, marithe+francois girbaud (i think thats how its spelled), prada, air jordans, and a few others that i cant remember :lol:


blech...i hate people who where brands like that. Oh look, I'm cool because I spent $100 on a $10 shirt because it says [insert brand name here] across my chest! The only things I own from "those" type of stores are two pairs of pants from Aeropostale (one because they were the only ones that had the style jeans i wanted, and the second pair because I was with friends upstate and had on shorts and it was really windy and cold). The only brand-name whoring I do is with sneakers (I only buy Nike or Reebok), other than that, brand names mean crap to me, and usually turn me off to the piece of clothing.

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I mean that these people get into 10th or 11th grade and are all tghe sudden like, "Rya know what? I think I'll be bi from now on. That seems cool." I am not saying many people are born gay, buta lot of these people, IMO, are not.

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I'm so up for an occ shirt. If its alright with LP i would love to make something like that. I'll post pictures if i ever get to it. Lp, please let me know if this is ok with you.


if u're serious about it...make a design and then PM LP about it because he hasn't had the time to frequent the boards that often anymore.

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lol, seriously.  where you from?  no offense, but if people wore hats like that over here in NYC/LI, I wouldn't think they're nonconformists, I'd think they were either gay or from England ;)

:withstupid: Unless you're restricted to certain attire by an employer, where what you're comfortable with.  If you think you look good, others will too (or at least those you care about will)

lol, so naive you are :P.  I'm glad you think they're bi "all of the sudden."  I've been out of high school for 7 years now, and hs girls being bi is nothing new.  There was this group of girls we affectionately referred to as the "Lesbian Bubble."  LOL.  memories.  hahaha

blech...i hate people who where brands like that.  Oh look, I'm cool because I spent $100 on a $10 shirt because it says [insert brand name here] across my chest!  The only things I own from "those" type of stores are two pairs of pants from Aeropostale (one because they were the only ones that had the style jeans i wanted, and the second pair because I was with friends upstate and had on shorts and it was really windy and cold).  The only brand-name whoring I do is with sneakers (I only buy Nike or Reebok), other than that, brand names mean crap to me, and usually turn me off to the piece of clothing.


yea, wearing hats (not fitteds (baseball cap)) pretty much is for metros in NYC/LI. and so what, i love being a name brand whore :lol: they can pimp me out for all i care (unless the price isnt right) hey i spent $60 on a pair of academic jeans that normally sells for $150. i spend $40 on a pair of ralph lauren jeans that usually costs $100. and name brand sneakers, forgot to mention, nike also. btw if you didnt know, nike makes air-jordans. and clothes mean alot to me, i might not get a new rig but instead get clothes with that money. :lol: and i live in brownsville, so i do not like to dress like the average joe who wears those 6xxl $5 shirts from pitken or flatbush. i pretty much like to dress casual and with style, and for most of my clothes, i pay for it but im gonna start saving up for a ipod or a pair of pradas :lol:

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well no matter what someone else is dressed up like you, if you make your own clothes then your conforming to the people that make their own clothes, its impossible to be unique in this world...so yeah tough luck

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