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Is Maxtor Any Good?


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Ive recently been running out of space for myself on my personal comp...


Looking around Newegg I find a 250GB Maxtor drive for just under 100$ [Here]


I have personally only ever used Western Digital and have always been happy with them... never had a big problem -- my question to you is how reliable is the Maxtor? Will I be sending it back in a day or month?


Also, if anyone knows a good/better deal than this.. let me know :) -- Im not in a BIG hurry to get another drive but the faster the better :)


And lastly! -- I was looking at getting a second identical drive from what I have in there NOW.... will RAID be easily set up with a drive that already has something stored on it or would I have to start from scratch? What would you recommend(2x160GB in RAID or 1x160GB + 1x250GB... keep in mind I dont REALLY need 250GB of extra space... just seems to be a good deal to me)


Thanks for the help :)

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In the past they have been really bad, Im not sure about the newer ones though, youll get alot of people saying that maxtors are horrible only because like i said in the past they where, now it may be differen't.


I dunnue bout your RAID question though. I have no experience with it.

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Maxtors are great imo. I still have two 40GB drives from three years ago. One of which I dropped on a hardwood floor, and it still works great. I even have a 20GB from 1999, and it still works, I think it has 98SE on it too. I've also had good experience with the newer Maxtors, with no problems. I'd go for it,

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Sometimes its just hit or miss. Theres also bad batches like certain models to stay away from. but I think its split some people never have problems with them, others have them all die on them.

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I think ever since DimondMax9 the Maxtors have been ok, as far as reliability, performance has always been there. Either way still better then Hitachi Deathstars, I say Maxtor, Seagate and Western Digital are the best, with a leaning towards Seagate for quiet, reliabal drives and WD for performance.


"2x160GB in RAID or 1x160GB + 1x250GB." If you set up a RAID with 1x160 and 1x250 then the controller will only format teh second drive to teh size of the smallest so 160, you basicly leave 90Gigs unused. So idealy you want drives the same size. For regular desktop use jsut hook up teh second drive. RAID is unnessisary unless you have a massive need to back things up


Also, yes You can migrate a single drive into a RAID on most controllers, like the Intel and nVidia ones, or better

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Im a maxtor hater. More of them have died on me than anything else. I would rather spend a few hundred on a nice 250gb western digital then accept a 250gb maxtor for free. It'll be worth it instead of aggravation and loss of files.

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I personally say the price is worth it because Seagaet is about the best, quieter, more reliable 5 year warenty.


Anytime teh price is at all teh same i would go

Seagate > WD > maxtor > Hitachi


However i remember that Maxtor 300 gig 7.2 16 MB cache were onsail for 100 bucks a few weeks ago, if i was in teh market that is a deal i would take up. 30cents a gig and top of teh line drive.

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