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New Case Modd

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This is my first case mod i have done. it is not done yet but here is what it looks like so far. I would like to get some coments. Take into mind that i done this with little money and i am only 16. I tought myself every thing i know.


I need to do some work to my cable management but as for now it is running at a nice 29c temp. I plan to put a window in the side panle and in the top. I now have an 5 port 100mb network hub mounted in the botom expansion card slot. " I will try to get some pics up of that too". I done all of the painting and cuting my self.




Tell me what you think.

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I like it, it looks good. I wish I had the skills to do that.


I was playing Redneck Rampage and Doom when I was like 8 so thats what I started gaming. I didnt really get into hardware and software until I was 13 or 14, being 15 that makes me a n3wb

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I agree with blitzbomb, and computergee. It takes skill to do that kind of paint job. You've got some better wire management than me also :)



P.S. there's a lot of us young overclockers, I started working with hardware when I was 11(re-building a pentium). I learned most of what I know from a K-6 II which taught me the lessons the hard way :thumbs-up:

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Nice work....but maybe I can help you a little bit with the wire management.


I'm going to go out on a limb here but I think the reason you used such a large wrap for the ATX connector cable is because it was the only thing you could find to fit over the connector. The trick is to remove the connector so you can use a better fitting sleeve. Before you do though you need to make a good map of the wires....something like this...


This may not match up exactly with yours so make your own map...to make sure you get it right wrap each wire as you remove it with a piece of tape and write down the connector number that it came from. You can use a small pin to release the clip that holds the wires in or you can buy the tool.


There is an easy way to clean up that IDE cable hanging in there.


Just fold in each side so that they meet in the middle of the cable....


then fold it again right down the middle and tie it up with a few wire ties.


If you need to make the cable shorter, that's easy too...just double it over and wire tie it again


I did most of the plumbing on my sons PC but I made him do all the wiring (He's only 14 yrs old) but as you can see he did a pretty good job....wire ties go a long way toward cleaning things up.



I hope this helps!


Good luck with the rest of the build B:)

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