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ok im applying for universities dealing in the following, biomedicine (i would really like to do bio-engineering though :lol: ), forensics, and computer networking. so i went to fastweb.com and created an account there, and saw devry pop up (heard of the school before) and called. now i got an interview with em tomorrow. so whats the deal with this school? any good? my guidance councler advised to avoid katherin gibbs, chubs institute.

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nooooo dont do it

when i was at cei or now its called maric college like two years ago . it was an mcse course . three of the guys had graduated or gone over 4 semesters they all agreed that it sucked and its really expensive. if you want biomed i recomend ucsd san diego my friend went there for that

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Uber expensive for what you get. And as far as I know not accredited in most states to roll over to a 4 year school. Dont let them BS you saying they are accredited. I went to High Tech Institute in Phoenix and they said they are accredited and all the glitzy stuff, I looked it up. If I want to go to a community college in Rhode Island, I would roll over 2 credits...


Be careful! If what you want to do as a career only requires what Devry can give you, then go for it knowing that it will be quicker than a 4 year but a lot more money for the time spent. If what you want to do requires further education, dont use Devry as a starting point.

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Devry is just like ITT or U of Pheonix... basically pay your bills and BUY a degree. I used to file 13 all job apps and resumes that had any of those places listed. they don't teach you anything but to pay your bills.




BTW ITT sent a FULL ride to my parent's house when I was finishing HS... the paperwork inside was all setup for our dead dog... they gave a full scholarship to a DEAD DOG!

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Go to the 'interview' if you want, just make sure you tell yourself before you go in, and during the interview, that's you're only there for the experience of it. Whoever you see will most likely be a good salesman, and they will probably almost make you want to sign any paper they throw in front of you. DON'T DO IT. DO NOT GO THERE.


I've got a few friends who went there, and "graduated" from their CS programs, and they said it was worthless, and a very expensive mistake.


Also, while doing interviews for techs at my past job (for positions in programming, network, and sysadmin), we would immediately put the Devry and ITT Tech graduates at the bottom of the stack or straight into the trash. In case I forgot to mention it, DON'T DO IT!

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k, so pretty much im going to do the interview, but ill put devry @ the bottom of my list. oh has anyone heard of fafsa or something like that? its like financial aid, but is it safe to fill out online? i am cautious of using my SSN online.


edit: the interview with the guy was pretty good. i got a family friend who attended devry, and he said it was pretty good for him. he also said that it is accredited unlike gibbs and chubs which is what my guidance councler was saying. although it sounds good, i still need to check out other universities. i was surprised @ the tuition costs, 7k each semesters, and its like 14-21k for tuition (depending if i go regular or advanced) and that isnt bad. my dad was like thats no problem for him to pay for it. but still, college is some place i cant afford to **** up. thank god i had my transcript for last year because if i had my current one, lol i probably would not be considered for devry. but like i said im working hard to get back to my 85 average. eh, im both stresses, worried, confused, BUT determined about college (nty cuny schools unless its john jays for forensics :P )

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I went to DeVry for a year and now i'm just under 30k in debt...I left because I decided to get into web design and Super sport bikes (track racing). The only DeVry I would suggest going to is the one in Pheonix, AZ, that is the only one worth it. They are fairly well accredited but if I could go back a year I would not have gone there. I was very disappointed with DeVry....Although I was being personally taught by the Electronics Engineering Dean which has some extensive degrees. A couple from MIT and other schools...that was well worth it, I learned a TON from him. Ohh yeah, Microsoft representatives aren't looking at DeVry grads like they do grads from other schools. Not just Microsoft but many other companies as well. If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected]. Ohh, and doing your FAFSA online is safe...it's a governmental funding thing...it's safe.

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I goto devry right now. The school is a gong show, but they seem to be preaty well acreditied here in canada, and im also getting a diploma from the Phoneix devry.


The school, teachers, admins, and deans are craping retards. I hate them all! I wish nothing but the worst to almost all of them.


Atleast i can take that degree and get a masters at a different uni. Which is what will most likely happen

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