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Xbox360 Final Pricing


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Think of it like this


the 300$ version is the wellfare . crap retarted gimped version


the 400$ one is the real xbox360




also who has the best games is a matter of oppinion. Sony will have the best games for you.


i personally think that the unreal series went to hell after game of the year edition. I also think the only game that comes any wear close to hale is splintercell

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Think of it like this


the 300$ version is the wellfare . crap retarted gimped version


the 400$ one is the real xbox360

also who has the best games is a matter of oppinion. Sony will have the best games for you.


i personally think that the unreal series went to hell after game of the year edition. I also think the only game that comes any wear close to hale is splintercell



Splintercell is an amazing series and I look forward to see what X360 has in store for it.

i didnt think I'd be very hyped about it...but now that I see Halo 3 is supposed to come out in March 06..I just might get one.


March 6 is actually wrong. They are workin hard on the game right now, and they are going to release it within the same week that PS3 comes out. If PS3 comes out in July, Halo 3 comes out in July. If PS3 comes out Christmas 2006 then so does Halo 3.


Also for those saying that Sony has the best games, a LOT of developers have signed to develop for MS. For instance, Mistwalker Studios is currently making 2 exclusive RPG's. (mistwalker was founded by the original Final Fantasy creators)


Squaresoft also announced the development of 2 or 3 games so far for 360.


The list goes on and on. MS really has done a lot of work to get the best developers.


I'm also really happy that the have Konami/Team Ninja.

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why is it when people that are playstation fans talk about the great library of games, some kid always says "yeah well they dont have Halo so they suck". Who the (*^^& cares if they dont have halo. Microsoft is going to have to do something friggin amazing to get me back as a console customer and I WORK FOR THEM.


I bought an XBOX shortly after Halo 2 came out because of all the kiddies screaming about how Halo 2 was the greatest thing since sliced bread. What did I get for my 180 dollar XBOX purchase, 20 dollar controller purchase, and my 50 dollar Halo 2 purchase?


1. 4 hours of gameplay

2. a watered down story compared to the first Halo

3. multi-player that was as lame as any 12 year old infested Gamespy server (no offense intended)

4. NO ENDING. After all that crap the game cuts off like Jessica Simpson's shorts and Im supposed to think "wow, that was totally worth it"?


I traded in everything XBOX I bought after 3 weeks of "proud" ownership and got some mighty fine PS2 titles for my credit. To each his own, and its not really the XBOX im pissed at, its Bungie, but still... Halo is not the pinnacle of gaming. I will most likely get duped into buying a 360, and I may buy a copy of Halo 3 because Im a sucker for hype, but if it sucks as bad as Halo 2, I guarantee I will urinate on it and set it on fire.

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why is it when people that are playstation fans talk about the great library of games, some kid always says "yeah well they dont have Halo so they suck". Who the (*^^& cares if they dont have halo. Microsoft is going to have to do something friggin amazing to get me back as a console customer and I WORK FOR THEM.


I bought an XBOX shortly after Halo 2 came out because of all the kiddies screaming about how Halo 2 was the greatest thing since sliced bread. What did I get for my 180 dollar XBOX purchase, 20 dollar controller purchase, and my 50 dollar Halo 2 purchase?


1. 4 hours of gameplay

2. a watered down story compared to the first Halo

3. multi-player that was as lame as any 12 year old infested Gamespy server (no offense intended)

4. NO ENDING. After all that crap the game cuts off like Jessica Simpson's shorts and Im supposed to think "wow, that was totally worth it"?


I traded in everything XBOX I bought after 3 weeks of "proud" ownership and got some mighty fine PS2 titles for my credit. To each his own, and its not really the XBOX im pissed at, its Bungie, but still... Halo is not the pinnacle of gaming. I will most likely get duped into buying a 360, and I may buy a copy of Halo 3 because Im a sucker for hype, but if it sucks as bad as Halo 2, I guarantee I will urinate on it and set it on fire.


I will agree that Halo 2 single player sucked. They haven't admitted it but I know that the game was rushed out for a reason, to start work on Halo 3. They've increased the size of their team to get it done for the launch of PS3. Lets just hope they are working hard enough to make a good single player. They'll have a full 18 months to work on the game with a dev team estimated to be at 80-100 people.


Game content is all opinion for which system has the best games. I like Sony for their RPG's, and thats the only reason I'd ever consider buying a Sony system. Microsoft is definately showing promise though. They've got the Final Fantasy developers make RPG's for them, so they will have to be good. Also for the FPS Genre, look at Gears of War! That will be one AMAZING game. Call of Duty 2, nobody can trash on that. Project Gotham Racing 3 will take the cake for the racing Genre this season. Theres so much good stuff! Unless they are competely lieing about all this and don't pull through, I think 360 will be one promising system with a very broad game list.

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Ghost, I hope so. Because I am having a great time playing Ace Combat 5, GT4, Destroy all Humans, Madden 06, NBA Live 05, and FFX on my PS2 and Resident Evil 4 on my Gamecube while waiting for X-Men Legends 2 and the new Zelda title for Gamecube next year. All I know is I am definately buying a PS3 because of what they have consistantly brought to the table for titles. I need to see some xbox stuff that really impresses me. No more of this "Crimson Sky" and "Brute Force" crappiness.



One ray of hope though.... Forza Motorsport is looking nice, and the next edition might get just as much playing time as my GT series on PS2... Here's hoping my guys here at MS dont screw things up.

Edited by cdoggown

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whoa I just saw that the Xbox360 WIRED controller that comes with the core system is compatible with Windows XP! haha kind of funny how they did that....


Right now there are 160 games in development for X360. If 20 of those are freakin awesome and stand out above the rest, thats all I care about. For my current XBOX which I have owned for 3 years now I only have 15 games. I'm not one of the guys that buys a couple games a month, so as long as they have a good 20 games that stand out above the rest and have unlimited replay value I'm cool with that. Then again, I didn't have a job when I gamed with my original xbox. Now I do... so I might end up spending more. :lol:

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I for one am glad that I found atleast one forum that isn't full of "crap this .!! I'm cancelling my order!! M$ can go crap themselves!" What the hell do people expect, new more powerfull hardware for less than what the paid 4 years ago? (gotta adjust for inflation)


I personally can't wait! Just glad the price didn't break $500 before I started looking at games. I finally get a console on launch this time round! The game I can't wait to see is the new Burnout. Although its prolly gonna be a port of Burnout: Revenge. Also getting Full Auto, Oblivion, Perfect Dark 0, and when they are released Quake 4, and Halo 3.


Oh well, It looks like Some great games are lined up for the 360 for xmas.


And BTW BionicSniper the 360 Core is $299, the full package with the HDD, and wireless controller is $399.




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