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My Problem With My School

Mr Black Cat

If you had no friends and all that happened to you was bad at the school you currently go to, would you like to transfer?  

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  1. 1. If you had no friends and all that happened to you was bad at the school you currently go to, would you like to transfer?

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I disagree with some people here. First of all, I was wondering how old you are. It's hard knowing what you should do... because alot of those highschool problems are situational. One thing that is the same no matter where you go is kids are mean. You really gotta figure out what the problems are.... because I had a friend who used to go to my school and he got picked on nonstop. Sad to say.. but he asked for most of the criticism he got. He ended up switching schools... but the problems followed him.


99% of the time you can get out of something without having to fight somone. Pick your battles, wisely. Make sure you win too.. and if you don't...keep fighting till you do. Don't ever give up in the fight. Earn some respect. Don't let those pricks get the best of you.


They think you're gay? Chances are, they are just trying to piss you off. You dont have to prove anything. Don't go get yourself a girlfriend you dont want.



Maybe you need something to help you find a group of people you can identify with. Start working out, play a sport, join the theatre. You gotta find the people you identify with.

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;/ Man stop feeling sorry for your self. They only pick on the vulnerable and your only vulnerable if you make your self vulnerable. Sometimes you just have to start some where, im sure theres a bunch of loosers in your school who'll allow anyone into their group, hang with them, then in lessons start socialising with those 'cooler' and eventually you can hang with them untill you like thee 'popular kid', once your out of the looser group flirt with a girls a little, who cares if their 'ugly'. Get out there and stop sitting behind that pc.


Start convos, be social and have fun.

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I was an outcast nerd in school like grade 1-6 almost no one would talk to me

I wasnt picked on so I didnt mind I just did my own thing

Then I started skating and hanging out with a group of skaters form my school from then on people just assumed I was some burn out skater druggie which ive pretty much become which is sad I let the stereotype get to me oh well

But after starting to hang with those kids people just started to gravitate twards me and I gained respect from alot of people and it worked out

Since you need a quick solution id say just keep punchin those teeth out

Alot of people will disagree but hey it will work it's sad that it will but it will

Highschool is the fight of the fittest

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I dont want seem like a hole or anything. But grow up and make friends. It isnt that hard really. Also, if you are not in the popular-preppy group you will be made fun of. I am lucky enough to be good friends with few of the "popular" kids so i get along with them. I mean everyone has at least 1 friend in HS. Join a club, play a sport. I play soccer and we are a tight bunch of friends who hang out a lot.

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suck it up and quit being a whinny little classy lady! that's why they're picking on you. the bully always looks for those weaker than they are. if you don't show weakness or fear... they'll leave you alone.

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First off, I do have friends outside of school. The reason I don't want friends in that school is obvious: They're all jerks. Simple as that

Next: Stop being a whiny classy lady!? Stand up for yourself?! God, too many people have said this. I have said already that I have gotten into fights. I am not some little half-a**ed classy lady. And besides, you're high school life is/ was probably all hunky-dorey, but mine certainly isn't. Capisce? Good.

Thirdly: Girlfriends are in my word, just a big pain in the a**. You may all have your nice girlfriends with you, nut that's because you probably go to a public school. the range is wide there. my school, there are only . who think that the are the cream of the crop. Oh, what is that you say? Why not look outside of school? A wonderful idea! Bull. My chances of getting a girl are slim. As a matter of fact, having a girlfriend changes nothing. Nothing at all. And I don't want to hear any cocky answers about this one. As a matter of fact, it would be appreciated if you don't reply like a cocky moron to any of these statements.

Finally: Transfer isn't my decision. I have no school counselor. I go to some God- forsaken private school. In the entire school, there are 137 kids. the majority being morons of the greater magnitude.


Sorry if I came across as blunt:

Mr Black Cat

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Small schools suck if you dont fit in i guess. with my HS of 2000 kids there were bound to be a few i would like. No one here is telling you to go fight, just stand up for yourself. 137 kids is not a lot i must admit. Dont be anti social. Pick something to like and find others who do it. Being able to communicate and get along with people is a life-long skill that is require to make it anywhere in work and life. I know it is hard, just be nice to people and they will like you.

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I understand private schools. but after hearing this little whiny tirate, I think you have another issue.


you're the kid that walks up to the football team and give the "stop looking at me" yap at them don't you? you walk up to people who you assume look down on you and give them a hard time don't you?


and you know what? that's a sign of fear. you're afraid of what other think of you! you're afraid that you're not good enough. yet you don't know. you're a sniviling little punk that goes looking for a fight. and that willingness to go running upto the school bully and start something is a sign of how weak you really are. there's no point in a bully going out of thier way to mess with the band kid that's quietly walking down the hall minding his own business. it's more fun to kick the snot out of stupid punk who thinks everyone is out to get him.


that's my 2 cents.

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It's about time you go do some major butt kicking. You've gotten into fights and they still pick on you? You haven't fought a good fight then. I can't say I've been down your road but I can empathize, and I must say that if that's the only way to get respect, then so be it. If you get kicked out, good. You didn't want to go to that place anyways. Next time someone starts talking . to you, you tell them "don't make me reveal my true power" and when they start laughing and calling you names and pushing you, punch the strongest one square in the mouth or the side of the head. If the leader goes down, the minions fall.


EDIT: Yeah, if you go around picking fights tht's no good. But if you are just walking down the halls when Fred The Future Fry Cook starts pushing you and teasing you and hitting you, take the gloves off. If you've got the adrenaline pumping through you, you could be one mean fighting machine and teach that classy lady a lesson he won't forget.

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Bigred, i respect you and all, but you're being a jerk to this guy..


If people are getting all pissy with me at school, i always just choose to move it down my list of priorities. Dont think of school being so important and dont dwell on it if a person makes fun of you. WHO CARES. They're going to grow up to bag your groceries anyways so who cares. Know that you're better than them and that there IS life beyond school. Get involved in many things outside of school to get your mind off it. Thats what i do sometimes and it seems to work.

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Such is my life. I have absolutely no friends at my school, people there constantly pick on me, and the dress code sux. And as ana added bonus, people there think I am gay (which I am not!). Whee. Would you guys wanna go to a school like that? I certainly don't. I know most people hate going back to school, but I have considered running away or commiting suicide becuse of it! It really ticks me off. And for all those people out there who have been in my shoes: congrats. I dunno if I can pull it off. And to those people who think that what i'm going through is nothing: add a hectic homelife to the mix, and the fact that I've been living like this for 5 years now. THAT's enough to encourage suicide. And to all those people who go to school and act like freakin' morons: lay off it. The people you pick on have only so much patience. I knocked a kid's teeth out last year. And I don't regret anyting else I've done.


    P.S.: After thinking an entire year about it, suicide is too much trouble.


                Severely sick of this crap:

                    Mr Black Cat



school kids are just retards.. i had to deal with that ... just let them know there place.. dont be afaraid to stick up for yourself.. but stay calm.. some people will antagonise you until they dont ever see you again.. but take them with a grain of salt.. because you and i both know they are going no were in life.. !!

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Bigred, i respect you and all, but you're being a jerk to this guy..


If people are getting all pissy with me at school, i always just choose to move it down my list of priorities. Dont think of school being so important and dont dwell on it if a person makes fun of you. WHO CARES. They're going to grow up to bag your groceries anyways so who cares. Know that you're better than them and that there IS life beyond school. Get involved in many things outside of school to get your mind off it. Thats what i do sometimes and it seems to work.




you didn't read the PM that he sent me. I can tell you I remember people like him in school. if he'd just go about his business and relax he'd have no problem. but instead he's the one that would start the whole "what are you looking at?" deal and get into it with people. I agree with moving on and letting it go in his case.


however originally it seemed to me that they were actually going out of thier way to mess with him. at which point standing his ground would have made sense. but he oversteps that and actually is the reason for the bullying. it's a game to the bully now, to see how far they can push him and watch him go spastic. sorry to put it that way but I see him just bringing this on himself.

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