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Too Much Patriotism


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is it just me or does it seem like theirs too much american pride and machoism. dont get me wrong i love living here but at times our goverment does stuff that realy isnt neccesary.

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nah we are proud ppl sometimes we get carried away. rembering we are all human helps to set things straight. we all have the God given ability to love laugh steal and abuse its a matter of individual choices. we (americans) have chosen unity and strength and to alllow small things to be dealt with civily. its not perfect but it beats shooting someone you disagree with

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or in my case where i live a pickup that has over 30 flags on it


but true some patriotism is good ,but not getting carried away like ohh get an american car instead of a japanese car. and lets talk about the other mastter at hand machoism i think too many men are acting as if they are the dominent species.

Edited by Bigevil954

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Well, each gender has their own strengths and weaknesses. Women are, in general, weaker then men, and tend to have a lower metabolic rate. However, they're much better at homecare, and caring for others. That, and they have the whole higher pain tolerance thing.


However, men tend to be stronger and have a higher metabolic rate. But, we tend to not be very family orientated... as Maddox said:


"Women are more family oriented, men are more work oriented."

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what are you talking about car stuff dont you realize economics are key indicators of lifestyle. we are a collective buying power if we all buy american that is our choice and it does provide jobs for ppl here why give some one else a job when a hard working american that values our very same beliefs should have it. that way they can support there families and not need crap like warefare. besided look at walmart for example they claim to be an American company but 80+ % of there product came from other countries IE china. its not only bad that they blow little shops out of towns but they lower wages and steal manufacturing jobs from the US . wake up and smell the cofee dude we are in an age where every dollar is fleeing america. we are a leaky ship and if we dont plug the holes we'reall going to drown. that includes every other country that is dependant on the US

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golly people I didn't think you'd actually make this topic...


I don't think there can be "too much" American pride. You can flaunt it and brag about it all you want. I have that right. A lot of you kids who grew up spoiled under the shelter of democracy don't quite realize how lucky you are to be sitting here reading this post right now. And I know many of you are thinking "Yeah Yeah, I've heard that before DA, get on with it," and if you are thinking that...you're not bright. Go spend a few days in central Mexico, the Dominican Republic, hell even Bosnia. Live like they do, eat what they eat, drive what they drive, and you are going to return to the US and have more pride than you have ever had before. Why is it that people have more than enough right to run around spewing out anything negative they want about the war, our president, and the US in general, but as soon as someone comes around being 100% proud of the US of A, not only are they pointed out in OCC, but they get their own topic made about them compaining about it! What is this world coming to? See, instead of all this negativity, how about something positive for a change (Yes I know positive things coming out of peoples' mouths (or hands) on OCC is just as likely as... pigs flying). Every one of you in here has every right to be just as proud of your country, wherever it may be, as the next guy. I just so happen to be VERY proud of my country, and for a dang good reason too. All of you guys in the UK... get a life, it's ok to be proud of your country too! Why is it that people see it as a sign of weakness or immaturity to be patriotic now? Some people are thinking, "well with the evil deeds your country it doing nowadays, how could anyone love the USA!11!!???!!" All I have to say to that is..shut up, if you STILL think that, ou will never learn. Word to the wise, the media is liberal. All those shows you watch over in Europe bashing the president... they dislike him not because he has balls, and he backs up what he says (not common these days), their hatred of Bush is more politically geared than anything else. Why do they hate him so? How about beause he is the president of the most powerful nation on earth? Not only that, but he is also very conservative; we are the last capitalist-conservative super power in the world. Not only are we the richest, we are the most powerful. Now would the fact that a conservative world leader exists piss off a bunch of socialist news reporters in England? Dang right it would. Bush was doomed for a life of critisism as soon as that 'R' went after his name in the history books, and that's the truth. Since he has an 'R' after his name, nothing he will do is ever going to be right in some peoples' eyes, and that's their problem; they have the right and the freedom to dislike him, and I have no gripes with that. Just be able to use solid evidence to prove why you don't like him. To set the record straight, I am one of the most patriotic people you will ever see. I fly flags out my window, I have a "Support our Troops" magnet on my car, we celebrate the Fourt of July, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, everything. My father was in the military, as well as his father, and his father's father, all the way back to at least the Civil War (that's 1861 for those of us who spend more time bashing the country than learning about it). I've lost several family members to war, and several others to heart attacks, we are Americans. I will never lose my American pride unless there is a reason to, I will always love this country and what it stands for, unless it changes. You people are just...sheltered, would be the best word for it. You don't know how good you have it.

For those of us without a sense of humor, I'm not a very serious person, as I'm sure many of you know. Just about every post I make (besides this one) is rhetorical, and not at all serious. So here is Lo's FAQ segment to rest a few weary souls.


Does Lo overhype his patriotism on here?


Yes, I do. I am actually a very layed back person. I don't stand on a soapbox on the side of Main Street preaching about God and country. I pay taxes, I work hard, and I vote the way I want to vote, the way I want this country to go. I support our troops, our president, and anybody elected into office that believes in what I do.


Does Lo have anything against rice burners or any other import car?


NO, amazingly. I have absolutely nothing against import cars. Wanna drive a Honda? Go ahead, it's your right. There is actually an import car in my immediate family, I will not say what. I have nothing against import cars, they are well made, reliable, and in many cases, more economical and inexpensive. The only reason I've never even thought about driving one is because my large frame (6'3'') cannot comfortably fit in an import car, and the ones that it can, I don't like. Was I 'serious' in the post earlier when I said "he shoulda been driving an American vehicle so he can pwn people, unlike a rice burner", NO. It was a joke, just a bit of comedic relief to the situation, just as most of the posts I make are.


Does Lo have a large penis?




If you have any questions about where I'm coming from, please feel free to PM me, or post it here, ya'll have a nice day.

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:lol: Well said Lo! Didnt quote because it was kinda long and I know quoting long posts annoys the hell outta me, so I decided against it ;)


Anybody who thinks that being american or patriotic is something to be embarrassed about should go spend some time in one of hundreds of struggling countries...see if you dont come back loving america more then ever :)

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I agree with that, Its certainly fine to be patriotic.. I'm very happy to be living in the UK, we certainly have it alot better than most of the world here.

I also happen to have relatively liberal views, but I don't think that should stop me being patriotic.


As long as patrotism doesn't blind you the way it 'can' do with 'some' people then its fine with me.

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Ya, being patriotic is not something to be ashamed of. Im an American, I used to ignore people saying go somewhere else in the world, see how much worse it is. I went to Europe, the second best union in the world, and it sucked compared to America, It was a great place, with a lot of history, but America is better in almost every way I can think of. Also everything is more expencive. If a gallon of gass cost me 8 bucks US, Id be driving a car smaller than a gum stick with 1/2 a cylender too, but it doesnt, and I dont have too. (Just as a note I didnt go to GR8 britin, so I dont know about that, but...(and if europeans would go to a third world country, they would see how good they have it)) But the thing I most missed about America, other than the fact that everyone speaks English, is being able to drink the tap water.

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