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Whats My Problem?


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Ok i decided to make this since there are so many topics about relationships and stuff.


I've got this problem with girls. I can never make a move. I freeze up. Last summer i was over at this girl's house watching a movie and she like... cuddled up to me and such and i froze. I didnt even move and i shouldve done something and ive regretted it ever since. Now this year, i really like this girl, and i heard that she likes me. what do i do? nothing. I do absolutly nothing. She got tired i guess and went out with my friend (yeah i know, slap in the face eh?)


Im just wondering how to ask a girl out or make any kind of move. and i dont know when its the right time to make a move. I keep saying to myself- whats the worst that could happen. Not much really, so wtf... i anger myself. Please help. Thank you very much.

Edited by Blue_cow

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more and more people turning to OCC for girl advice. haha. I thought we were all computer geeks?

anyway, just TALK to the girl(s), they tend not to bite, even if you get close.

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more and more people turning to OCC for girl advice. haha. I thought we were all computer geeks?

anyway, just TALK to the girl(s), they tend not to bite, even if you get close.



We are all just computer geeks...and that's our main problem :P Just be confident, don't be afraid to say something stupid. Best thing to do is just start asking her basic stuff like "how's your day been?" or "what have you been up to lately?" next thing you know you'll start talking even more and who knows after that.


Just don't be too shy and you're fine. Even then, girls like shy guys (me :) )

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sounds like your afraid of rejection or just something going wrong... well you will get rejected sometimes, and things will go wrong, the sooner you realise this and learn to take the risk you won't even have a chance...

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Next time she cuddles up, just slip that hand to u know... TRUST ME!!




That's the kind of behaviour that WILL get you a slap in the face! :P


Well you obviously talk to this girl (to be invited to her place :P) so why not be totally upfront and tell her you like her point blank... no false bravado etc. if you like explain you get nervous around her :blush: , say it's because you really like her (she'll take it as a compliment) ;)


A wise man say "nothing ventured, nothing gained..."

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Iv always wanted to do this and Im sure it would work. Ask the girl if she wants to go play a game of laser tag at a laser tag place. If I was a girl I would be all over you, laser tag rocks. (make sure you get a worse score than her though)

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