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She Wouldn't Get Out

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pshh stupid pigs. whats going to happen when they nail someone with that tazer who has a bad heart?or a pace maker?or maybe one of the wire thats fired from the tazer will get misdirected and hit an eye and toast an eye or frye a brain. its probably all ready happened a few times. i think that the police academys should teach extreme patience instead of quick resolution and parenioa/contempt for citezens. they are after all public servents yet all i ever see are police who pretty much dont care why u may be angery when your stoped are maybe why is this guy so agetated all they care about is doing what ever they can to expidite the situation and get on with thier day and thats when u get whats on that video.

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Generally, people with heart problems don't classy lady at and hit officers, and would warn that they have a bad heart if an officer warns them three times that they're going to be tazed. Oh yea, let's not forget she was using a cellphone during the time...



She had already assaulted the guy's partner. Because there was the chance that she might of been packing heat, and deserved it in general (lets see... ghetto van, bad neighbourhood, suspended license, refusing to comply with an officer's requests...), I can understand them doing it entirely.



This is the true side of the law. Also, before cops are allowed to use a tazer or pepper spray, they get shocked and sprayed, so they know what they're inflicting upon the suspect.



EDIT: And I doubt that cops simply go out and taze/spray/pistolwhip everyone they see everyday. Also, the fact that there's that video camera there means that EVERY pullover that that unit does is recorded. They would get in deep . if they turned off the camera.

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So long as the person with the bad heart isn't a worthless piece of trash and simply follows directions, they'll have nothing to worry about. The woman in this video is obviously a retarded mouth-breather anyways, based on her attitude, and more than likely deserved everything she got and more.

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l (lets see... ghetto van, bad neighbourhood, suspended license, refusing to comply with an officer's requests...), I can understand them doing it entirely.






so u belive its right to profile based on the fact u got a crummy vehicle and what part of town your in? hah


also i dont see anything wrong with not blindly following officers orders and questioning them. if no one ever questioned the practices and decisions used by and made by police officers and such then how would they ever be modified to fit society vision of whats expected of them? thier once was a time when police would just bat u in the head with a wood stick but becouse people questioned thier practices and methods of aprehention that was changed but now we just got police officers who are out of control and think the tazer is thier first chioce. also one more thing those police officers didnt look to scared or distressed wich means they percived no harm to them selves. u do not in any situation inflict any pain on some one simply becouse they dont listen to u. ie corpral punishment. devices such as tazers pepper spray billy clubs ect.. are to be used when thier is a clear threat to the officer and using a fire arm is over kill such as a knife wielding criminal not a women complaining about getting pulledover.

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I sence an arguement. The officer did warn the lady multiple times and she was very disrespectful, i hate people like.

Just based on her attitude, she deserved it.

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On top of the crummy vehicle, she also was driving on a suspended license, and refused to comply to a police officer's simple requests many, many times. It wasn't the cops who abused their rights to do what will get the job done, it was she who abused the rights that protect her from abusive cops. The cops were not abusive at all. They did what absolutely needed to be done.

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pretty much i think its wrong for the police officers to use and weapon non lethal or other wise when the person thier trying to arest has no weapon. if a civilian did that it would be called excesive force. inflicting pain on some one for not following your order is corpral punishment.

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