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[un]official "everthing I Hate And Why" Thread


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This is just to blow off some steam. Rather than badmouthing stuff or making pointless threads blamming the crap you hate, I got the genius idea of making a thread where people could go and tell the world (the world of OCC at least) about the stuff that they hate and why.


I hate it when you hold the door for a person and they just walk right through without saying thank you. Its not like im being paid to do it, the least you could do is say thank you or even look at me and smile or something. Bastards.


Understand the premiss?

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Whoa, I was thinking of making one of these yesterday...:blink: - this should get a sticky, I have a feeling its gonna grow pretty large pretty fast :)


I hate it when a new person who cant spell and has an attitude comes on the forum with a question thats been answered once a day for the last 2 years, argues with us about it and why he thinks whatever's happening is happening, then does the exact OPPOSITE of what 99pc of OCC reccomends :angry2:

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:lol: I know what you mean, but if they're old ppl u can't help it!


I really when people act like Know-it-alls, Also any temperature above 80F outside. I wasn't built for that, to take such high heat, I get frustrated too fast.

Edited by silkster

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I hate it when a new person who cant spell and has an attitude comes on the forum with a question thats been answered once a day for the last 2 years, argues with us about it and why he thinks whatever's happening is happening, then does the exact OPPOSITE of what 99pc of OCC reccomends  :angry2:



^^ that is one of mine too lol. :angry:


There are too many things I hate to put in this one thread lol, so here is just a few....


-People that can't drive

-People that talk crap about how they are gonna whoop somebody's butt, but never do it cause all they can do is talk crap


-People retarded enough to do things that makes them and lawyers rich off their own stupidity

-Court systems that allow the for mentioned above to even make it to court


-DELL and all other pre-built systems


-And many more........

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I really hate that statiums are all selling their names (except the cool ones, you'd think the wannabe's would take the hint).


It's not like I'm already getting ads thrown at me 24 hours a day from every direction... Wait, yes it is.






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I hate Pikeys.


For those of you not familiar with these kind of ppl, or know of them under a diffrent name (Chavs is another wurd for them) they are people that like to think of themselves as hard or "A R D" as they call it. They basicaly love to annoy everyone, and stop you learning anything @ School or collage.

They always fail everything.


They hang at street coners in groups of 20+ and then beat up single ppl and take there phone/money/MP3 player...then either throw it in a bush, or sell it for Smokes/Drugs/Drink.


They talk like they have a Brick shoved up there arse, and make it impossible for you to walk around at night without worrying about getting your head kicked in.

They spend all there time drunk and/or stoned.


The police around here does nothing about them, so they get away with pretty much everything.


If I had it my way, these useless POS'es would be sent to the front line as conon foder. Mayb that way they wil do some good for there country.

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i hate it when people make threads like this and i have to post in it...


JK lol

i hate it when people act like u dont know shiat, they are always like "well i dont think my computer is that hot at 90C, i think ill hold of on letting u put some thermal paste on there"


and another kid was like

"$10 BUKS FOR THERMAL PASTE!!! THATS ALOT!!! do i need thermal paste? pfft im going solo without it

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