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Best Socket478 Overclocking Mobo?


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Well yes I have I could run right at 3600mhz with my 2.4C it ran warm, about 45C at idle. But, it never exceeded 66C so it was ok. Pushing it but it was ok. Look if you have dreams of Overclocking greatness but, won't at least use liquid cooling as a minimum. Then you are just dreaming. You want Speed? Then get a great board and a good cooling system going and get after it. This Epox board is a great board! In the last year I have built right at 50 systems the only 2 Epox systems were my own. Til the last month, I have now built 7 systems for people using this Epox board. The point is I have had Asus ,Abit ,Albatron, Gigabyte, and MSI Mobos all testing with my 2.4C and one of my water coolers. None of them were able to get my 2.4C to 3600mhz!! None! The Asus boards would get it to 292 fsb on the 5:4 divider Nothing else came close.

I can run any board I chose to run with my Northwood C processors. Believe me If I found a board that would make my systems faster I would have it. But, There are none. The MSI was the biggest disappointment. It had voltage options comparable to the Epox But just did not OC worth a dang.



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Stable mobo's for o/cing a 478 proc are either the Asus P4P800 Deluxe which is more stable than the P4C800 its a 865 chipset if u have ot have the 875 then i would go for the Abit IC7-Max3. Both have proven themselves. Both boards gave a 2.4C -3.6ghz o/c on air cooling and rock solid stability.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same chip as you, barnd id, family, model, stepping and revision wise anyways, and im stuck at 3.0ghz. any higher and it crashes and fails everything i try, and i have that good board that ICON57 was talking about, the DFI LP 875B. im thinking about getting a pressy this summer as a last run with the 478 chips.

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I've got the same board, P4P800 SE, and with my 3.0E Prescott 478, I'm hitting 3.87 GHz without even messing with the RAM at all, stock timings and no dividers. So, the board is great IMO.



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It might be the HSF too. I checked one review quickly and I noticed it said the fins are soldered to the base. That might inhibit heat transfer. I don't know how good or bad the HSF is though. I'd suggest an XP-90/120 and/or a different mobo, but most people (myself included) can't spend that much on a whim, so that wouldn't be very helpful.


I'm pretty sure having the fins soldered to the base is the next best thing to having the fins actually be part of the base. Better contact means better heat transfer.

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Well yes I have I could run right at 3600mhz with my 2.4C it ran warm, about 45C at idle. But, it never exceeded 66C so it was ok. Pushing it but it was ok. Look if you have dreams of Overclocking greatness but, won't at least use liquid cooling as a minimum. Then you are just dreaming. You want Speed? Then get a great board and a good cooling system going and get after it. This Epox board is a great board! In the last year I have built right at 50 systems the only 2 Epox systems were my own. Til the last month, I have now built 7 systems for people using this Epox board. The point is I have had Asus ,Abit ,Albatron, Gigabyte, and MSI Mobos all testing with my 2.4C and one of my water coolers. None of them were able to get my 2.4C to 3600mhz!! None! The Asus boards would get it to 292 fsb on the 5:4 divider Nothing else came close.

I can run any board I chose to run with my Northwood C processors. Believe me If I found a board that would make my systems faster I would have it. But, There are none. The MSI was the biggest disappointment. It had voltage options comparable to the Epox But just did not OC worth a dang.






very very nice oc weldzilla.....i have heard that the epox mobo kick @$$

and you have the pics to back it up!!!

my dfi mobo has been a better oc,er than my max 3....but dang!!!! i cant get that high of an oc.....


i am moving over to the dfi 875P-T....gonna try skt 775



so, baCK to the original question......i think weldzilla has answered it for us...


unless anyone has better?

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