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Show Us Your Graphics Card Mods ;)

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Hmm...been a user here for a while, but looks like this is my first post *grin*... I was puzzled when i did a search and couldnt find one of those "post ur graphics card mods" threads, so i decided to start one ;). Well, here is my massive AIW 9800 Pro OC'd to 415/370(740)...faster then 9800XT speeds, and can do all sorts of nifty all-in-wonder crap to boot :D. too bad it looks fairly hideous...unless u like that rough massive hardware look :). Oh, sry for the horrible quality...dang webcams suck :/ (tried to take the pics from farther away to compensate for low resolution) Oh, and if anyone knows a free image host that doesn't use dynamic pages in the hotlinks, i'd really appreciate it :D


Pic here


Yep, thats my beast...has to weighover 1/2 kilo, lol...would upgrade, but i'm just hooked on the AIW featureset...other owners may know what i mean ;) K, your turn guys - air,water,TECS...what ever you have thought of to void your warrenty and gain those last 5 mhz :D

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My 9800pro modded 510/400

Nice OC on the 9800pro...its a shame the AIWs dont hold a candle to the pro's-or even nps- in oc'ing...dont know if its because of the tuner and its circuits or just inferior chips...i may volt-mod mine and see if i can get it stable in benches and normal use at higher freqs,and not worry about the atitool artifact scanner...dang that thing is strict ;). I dont have the cash to get a new one right now if i kill it so im a little hesitant. and my backup is a lil mx400 64mb pci card which will do a great job...at keeping me from gaming :P


*edit*cant spell*edit

Edited by puckdracon

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The copper heatsink is a 1/2 lb heatsink that I got from my local comp shop for $1. It looked life crap, but then I lapped it. Wth 1.7vcore I get 29idle, 50load.(Do not try 1.7vcore at home with your air cooling)

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Anyone have a WC setup with pics? I'm interested to see some block designs that work...I have acess to a couple CNC machines(mill&lathe most importantly) in my engineering tech class and am wondering if i can make an effective block with what i have at my disposal there.(aluminum and copper stock,CNC mill,CNC lathe,and some cool design software and cad)...even tho its for a processor, the design on a GPU should be similar, and just smaller right?It wont cost me anything(im an assistant), so I might just make a prototype for a TNT2 i have lyin around and and old socket A PC-CHIPS board(cringe)...I swear a couple i months ago i would get used to high CFM fans by now...think im developing tornado pyschosis...

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