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Almost Done

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First off, I apologise for the low quality pictures. I am currently in the market for a new digicam, and I promise the final thread and my submission to the case gallery will have MUCH nicer pictures. But, even with sub-par photography, I think you guys will appreciate the work I have put on this case. I was finally able to install the hardware a couple days ago, and I feel great about it. The watercooling is performing GREAT! WAAAAY better than my last setup, so I am very pleased.


Anyway, words are boring, here come the pictures... :P



Here I am about to put in the processor for the first time. Note the fillport I added on top. VERY handy and well made.



Look at those sexy tubes in the front. :P



The new TDX paired with my new fans and rad allow me to run great temps. I am getting about 26 degrees at stock voltage, 32 at 1.8v and 36-38 at 2.0v. Not bad at all. :) (all temps were with folding and prime95 running)



As I installed components I found that I had a large amount of copper in my system. I bought a copper vantec chipset cooler to match the theme.



UV dye is pretty. Sorry for the pic quality.



After installing everything I found that it wouldn't boot? So I did what every good OCC'r would do and built another computer to test the components indivually. After testying EVERY component, I found that the reset switch is somehow fubared. The computer would only work with the reset switch held in. :shrug: After unplugging it everything went great.


I still have alot to do. Including:


More wire management!!!

Mount case feet again.

Cut window in side panel

Install cathodes

much more...


But this is a big step and I thought I share it with you guys. Comments?

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looking good so far, but yeah you do have some more stuff to do yet. Keep it up!


And oddly enough I've worked on a computer that wouldn't POST when the power switch was plugged into the mobo. It would power on but would not POST, use a screwdriver to jump the mobo and it would work great.

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That is one sweet machine.


After installing everything I found that it wouldn't boot? So I did what every good OCC'r would do and built another computer to test the components indivually. After testying EVERY component, I found that the reset switch is somehow fubared. The computer would only work with the reset switch held in. :shrug: After unplugging it everything went great.


Is it possible that the power and reset buttons were switched when you plugged them into the header on the mobo?

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