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Omg Huge Ticket


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you said you dont care what the speed limits are :blink:


anyone who says they never speed is a big fat fibber....




I dont care what the speed limits are in the fact that if you're going to speed, you don't deserve help when you crash and kill yourself, or are pinned in the car.


And yes, I have gone over the speed limit before, but I LEGALLY (and SAFELY) do it with the proper warning devices on my vehicle, and use due-reguard. It's not some joke about how fast I was going in a 35. There's a reason I speed, and when I do it, lights and sirens are going, and I'm more then likely going to a medical call that needs priority. If the roads are icey, I'll still respond lights and sirens, but you wont see me go faster then the speed limit, and I'm probably going to some nimrod that was speeding. What I do as a firefighter / first responder is ALOT different then John Doe doing 65 in a 25 in his beat up Yugo with some loud butt muffler on it. As a firefighter I have alot more training then a normal driver, and I probably drive better then 99% of you in a stressful situation.

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i got 1 ticket and it was a wreckless op. I was at one of those unofficial car rallys. (the ones where people at school just start going to a certain spot on a regular basis to hang out every weekend.) I was in my dads 98 chevy silverado it was in a parking lot at about midnight and their were about 150 people there. I decided to show off and did a total of 5 360* doughnuts in a row and a cop happened to see it. :( went to court and they charged it as a non-moving violation cuz it was on private property LOL. so all i had to pay was court cost.


i have been pulled over about 7 times though. I got arrested one of those times for paraphernalia, posession and truancy from school all at once, and i got off of that one. (nothing on record or any fines.) the fastest speeding violation i got pulled over for was doing 80mph in a 35 but the cop was nice about it and told me to "get my tail home and dont drive like that again".

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I dont care what the speed limits are in the fact that if you're going to speed, you don't deserve help when you crash and kill yourself, or are pinned in the car.


And yes, I have gone over the speed limit before, but I LEGALLY (and SAFELY) do it with the proper warning devices on my vehicle, and use due-reguard. It's not some joke about how fast I was going in a 35. There's a reason I speed, and when I do it, lights and sirens are going, and I'm more then likely going to a medical call that needs priority. If the roads are icey, I'll still respond lights and sirens, but you wont see me go faster then the speed limit, and I'm probably going to some nimrod that was speeding. What I do as a firefighter / first responder is ALOT different then John Doe doing 65 in a 25 in his beat up Yugo with some loud butt muffler on it. As a firefighter I have alot more training then a normal driver, and I probably drive better then 99% of you in a stressful situation.


:withstupid: I couldn't have said it better myself, I remember earlier this year going to a call and I was driving code 3 and I was doing 90km/h in a 100 zone and some guy flew past me like I was standing still which for one is totally illegal I then come around a corner a moment later there he is in the ditch, did we stop heck no, we seen that he was walking around let him figure out how to get a tow truck we had a real emergency to get to. The guy was driving way to fast for the road conditions which is all to common nowadays. :angry:

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I don't care who you are, how fast you think you can drive, or what the speed limits are.


Driving recklessly is going to get someone killed. Whether it be a friend, family member, or god forbid it be yourself. You guys wanna laugh and joke about how fast you think you can drive?


If you're ever involved in a wreck, tell the fire department that you'll cut yourself out, and save your own life, because you're too ignorant to follow the law. Why should we waste our time on..you?



Truest words ever spoken.

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i dont think anyone has mentioned that going fast (over the speed limit) could be as safe as going the speed limit. you just have to know how your car handles under those conditions. a crappy driver that goes the speed limit can kill someone as easily....

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the moral of the story is: everyone does it, just dont get caught
i dont think anyone has mentioned that going fast (over the speed limit) could be as safe as going the speed limit. you just have to know how your car handles under those conditions. a crappy driver that goes the speed limit can kill someone as easily....
i speed all the time, but im good at it ;D

no tickets


there's a place for using all that horsepower, it's called the racetrack or dragstrip, NOT MY ROAD!


for the driver it is just as safe in the right conditions, etc.......


for pedestrians and other drivers, when something goes wrong, and it is only a question of when not if, the damages go up, chances of a person being killed go up many times, etc......


it's like if a road was marked 25mph, like mine, and okay, lets say it is safe for a good driver in the right conditions to drive 45mph, problem is when my little girl runs out in front of the car chasing a ball, the driver has much more time to stop going 25mph as opposed to 45mph, and the chances of you killing her at 45mph is multitudes greater than at 25mph......


i was 18 once, i drove entirely too fast too at times, now i am 29 and have 2 children and two dogs, and i would like to keep it that way, so i ask all of you, since most of you are younger, please slow down, speeding saves you a good 30 seconds on the average commute to work or school if that by the time you get caught by a traffic signal you didn't expect, making the excess rate of speed null and wreckless

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:withstupid: that is totally true, but that is 99% gonna happen in a neighborhood, and if you go 20 over in a neighborhood, you need serious help. granted i speed excessivly but i go 5-10 BELOW i neighborhoods because of all the horror stories ive heard and saw my friends dog got hit by a guy goin almost 60 in a 30mph neighborhood zone :/

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You know, I admit I speed, heck, all my cars are hitting 400+hp and I made them for that reason. However, there is a time and place for everything, and city streets and school zones etc are not it.

Its kinda nice pulling away from the typical cluster 9/10s of people put themselves into, not mention, speeding isn't the only problem, more often than not its the guy riding your rear end, or the $%^&*ing cell phones!!

But, out here in colorado, are laws are a little different, 75 on major highways, 65 elsewhere, and 35 - 45 residential.

And on a last note, and this is to not sound mean or other wise, but I had a friend killed cause an emergency vehical thought it was above the law, or could at least bend it. Sad too cause I used to race with him in the SCCA Curcuit and he drove off the track nicer than I did.

So its not always the civilans fault. Since then, I've helped petetion groups to inforce stricter laws as well on the law and emergency agency's.

Sorry if this leaves a sore spot on anyone as its not intended to, but nobody is above the law, and NOBODY is a god. If ignorance is bliss, then why ain't this world so much more happier?

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in all fairness regardless of my comments....if you speed residentially, you are a FOOL. keep it on the motor-ways or national speed limit areas. all people speed and those that say they dont are tellink porkies. the excessiveness of the speeding is key though: most people know what their own car is capable of at top speed etc. its only human to be curious, but why do i get the feeling that some people speed at stupid speeds in the streets to impress their friends?


there should be a law that restricts the power of cars for people up to a certain age so that parents cant spoil their kids with big expensive cars. it pisses me off that parents just give their kids cars. more to the point, it pisses me off that the kids expect them. if you buy the car yourself, you treat it with a dang sight more respect 'cuz YOU paid for it. ffs, people should learn to be more self-sufficient.


i had a woman thank me for not hitting her child when she fell in the road once...i was within the speed limit, but i just *knew* what was going to happen so literally drove on the other side of the road. good thing i did - the 5-year-old fell flat in to the road. anyone else would've ploughed in to her on that road in particular.


and in line with shadowcorp's comments, my dad was saying about his friend who was driving at 15mph on his motor-bike. 15mph folks. a little girl ran in to the road head-first in to the front wheel... he obviously wasn't at fault, but lets say that this guy was so scarred, he wont ride a bike again. the girl died instantly, and it wasn't pretty.


not all accidents are speed related - i find that aggressive drivers and the ones who lack due care and attention need to be fined a lot more.

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