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Water Or Server?


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Okay, i am planning on blowing about $300 and I was just wondering whether you guys think i should use that money to put together a small Linux File Server, or should I go watercooling? The file server would be cool because I can use it to program on and i can set it up so i can log into it from anywhere w/ SSH or whatever. My friend has one set up so i know its pretty easy. Its either that or I can get some watercooling. Not sure exactly what yet but i'm hoping to figure out how to piece my own kit together haha. So, just lemme know what yall think. Thx everyone. peace!

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haha, well the deal is if i wait about 4months, i may actually get my girlfriends dad's old computer which is probably really slow, but should be fast enough for a simpl file server running linux. Whats hard is im a network nut AND an overclocker lol. My A64 3200+ is already at 2.7Ghz. I dont think water will get it too much cooler but i think i'll go water. if i go water now, then get my girlfriends dads computer later for free, i'll have both :). like they always say, things come to those who wait haha. But yea, now i just have to figure out the whole water cooling thing cuz im not that familiar w/ how it all works. i think i'm gonna put together a kit from Danger Den. Is it possible to mount the radiator outside the case? cuz i dont have room inside. Hmm, im assuming this isnt hijacking the thread since it is MY thread lol.

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yeah thats what i was thinking

if you play your cards right you just might have enough to dish out on a "decent" wc kit


btw, you didnt mention what kind of system you would be water cooling

Edited by The_WRATH

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