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Illuminated Trees Long Exposure Inversion Occ Bg


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Here's the inverted version, the uninverted version is pretty cool if you like orangeish. Looks awesome with illuminated keyboard, blue mouse and blue case :D.


EDIT, here's the image :ph34r:


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Thats pretty cool, but for some reason only half of the image loaded. Still from what I see it looks cool. Can you do it so its the same image, only glowing neon colored?

full sized one works now...what do you mean only glowing neon colored?

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Is the yellow/orange the orignal photo and not a color change? Caused by the long exposure I'm assuming if it is. And how long is long exposure? Sorry I'm asking so many questions. :lol:


I really like the multiple layers/shadows/colors that show up in the non-inverted one and are washed out in the other

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