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Real Plane?


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My dad got these pictures in an email... and was wondering if they were real or not because neither of us have ever seen it. Is it a photoshop job, real, or was it made for a movie? I'll post more pictures later.

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photoshop, i don't believe a plane like that could land on/ take off of an aircraft carrier

Ummmm, why not? Do you know what kind of a plane that is? Cause if you dont even know then how could you make an assumption of whether it could take off on an aircraft carrier?

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I have no idea if thats a real plane, or if thats a real picture. One thing to note would be the shadow of the plane. It doesn't look natural, especially compared to the shadows of the people. But i could easily be wrong. Also the video camera. Could just be for a movie.

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I'm going to say fake. the Navy has tested 2 new stealth aircarft to replace the harrier, but neither look much like that picture






I think the x-35 is the one they selected. i know thats the one the AF said they want.


edit* nvm the right rudder/elevator is there...its just a the same angle is our perspective is looking down on it.

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I'm thinkin movie prop.. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing this because of:

1) the lack of Navy markings

2) the guy to the right with the movie camera...

3) the flight deck personnel without their cranials/headgear (jets = loud)


Cool pic, though!


Close... but not carrier based!

its not the YF-23 notice the way the nose points down? and the two "humps" on back. neither of which are on the YF-23 also notice how the 2 engine exhast apear to be one unit. the YF-23 has 2 very distinctly seperate exhaust.


nice spot on the movie camera though, i didn't see it.

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