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A Little Too Creative, Fridge Time


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I don't need this but if i did I want to know if it could work, I put my buy a small freezer big enough to put A CASE it, or have someone build it custume, anyways if I build a plexiglass box around my case fit a nozel or something where you can suck air out of it. Could I then create a vacum surrounding my computer so that condesnation is not possible and I cool it with a freezer.


far fetched but it would be cool if u could have no fans.

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If your going to go do that much work. just take the compresser and the coils from the fridge. run the presure line to a cooling block on the cpu, the coolant expands and gets cold, then run it back through a biger line into the coils to let it heat back up and then to the compresser. rinse repeat. Or buy a vapor system, same difference.

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how abou this.


just build youre new case......out of a small cube refridgerator...you know, the kind you had in your college dorm room?


would have an inherent cool room inside for all your equipment, and all your fans would just blow around the cool air thats being kept cool by the fridge...plus....you wouldnt have to go and strip down a perfectly functioning fridge. it wont be arctic cold....but i bet it would be cool enough alright.


plus, opening the door would be instant access to any changes in cables and equipment right there.....


besides done right, a small enough space can be kept aside to keep your beer cool.....sorry....i meant lemonade right?

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now that interesting, could a vacum be created with out the fridge idea, cause thatd be kinda cool to have a computer in a vacum, with the cables that would have to be figured out later cause i can't think to much right now after having my brain smashed into the floor for the last 3 hours. youd think there would be some damge. :bah:

Edited by Ste

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