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Weldzilla 2 "a New Beginning" X-treme Mod!

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You should consider selling that case idea to a major company or something. Thats such an awesome style I cant believe nobody has thought of it before. I wish i had the time and skillz to mod cases like that!

Yea, that is honestly a good idea, however, before you show it to them, make then sign a contract or whatever saying if they dont use your design that they can't copy it and make their own. You dont wanna get shafted

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Thanks Time Machine. It really was an intense project. It was also my most enjoyable mod project!!...........


Time to install the rad box and rad and build a water tank.


71.jpgbuilt some custom rings to hold my water tank into place. Then I bought an 8ft. piece of 1 1/2 in. dia. pvc a couple caps and some pvc glue. Spen less than $10 dollars on all the pieces. I have enough left over to build 5 more tanks.

75.jpg got it installed!!

83.jpgTime to assemble this machine!!


Well now don't that look great!!??



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Thanks to every one for your comments. I appreciate it. I have found that copywriting it and getting pantents as well as international patents is just too expensive!! And if they want they still rip you off. It is really a pain. I also found out the first time I posted a pic of it. Without patents, it became public domain

Anybody's............ OK now it is time to reveal the secret of "WeldZilla 2" It was more than just having my rom drives face me. My case sits right on my desk on about a 40degree angle. So I can also look right in the window. But with the right angle or the L-design you get stealth!!!!! No wires hanging out of the back of drive units taking away from the look of the case interior. here I'll show you!!

86.jpg I made a stealth board to separate the rom and hdd compart ment form the mobo compartment. you don't see all those dang wires everywhere.



I also put a stealth board over my psu cuz it was new and I wanted to test it before modding it or painting it. By now I was board of the gray color I used so next time you wwill see it on my back patio get a new paintjob and my wifes table getting a paint job too. I only got in a little trouble for that! hehehehe



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