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I Just Got A 2600+m

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i just got my 2600+M from newegg this morning and its the IQYHA stepping which i hear is a monster of an ocer. I'm just waiting for my as5 to arrive so i can get the most out of this chip now. Who thinks i can break 2.4ghz at 1.75v?

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i'm doing over 2400 now at 1.7vc and i've been at 2520 at 1.775v stable with a 2500+....youll be doing very well when you get it set up. treat it nice. dont get too excited and go faster too soon. its easy to do :) i had to really keep myself in check when i got mine!! i hope you got some good ram for that. it shoudl do a 240 FSB no problem.


good luck!!

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thats a great processer ive got mine at 2.63 @1.8v as already writen take it slow.

do some good burning in and make sure u've got a great hs and fan.

good luck ;)

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like i said its not p95 stable at [email protected] which is kinda . me off


ok im a fool... i had my set up at 209 fsb which i guess was too high for my chipset/ram.. dunno which but now at 200x12 its handling prime a-ok and i have a feeling its got a lot of juice left in it. On the negative side either my ram/mobo is slowly decaying because i use to be able to do 209.9fsb no prob... sigh... oh well i think a little decrease in bandwidth wont hurt too much

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status update: 2.45 was prime95 stable for 2 hours. Now working on 12x205 = 2.56ghz @ 1.75... prime stable for about 20 minutes so far which is good... i'm lovin it


update again: unable to do 13+ multiplier so im stuck at 12.5 till i feel like taking my processor out. Still at 2.56 but i found that it was operable at 1.725v and now i actually put it down to 1.7v and its doing pretty good. I have a feeling this chip will handle 2.8ghz

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