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Celerons With Northwood Cores


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all cellerons started out as pentiums - i think sandra2004 or one of the major benchmarking utilities will tell you the maximum that a processor will overclock to


overclocking a celly is kinda like pulling a tooth with one eye - sometimes u get it sometimes you gouge out your gums and pull your nose hair through your lip.....

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At whatever I overclock my celeron too (2.0ghz northwood core) sandra says it keeps up with the pentium equivilent in both the mathematical and multimedia benchmarks. My 3dmark01 score is only around 10k though (at 2.7ghz). Take that for whatever its worth. Remember though, my 2.0ghz can handle over 3.0ghz though! that kinda makes up for the some of the shortcomings.

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