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Should Occ Change It's Name


Should OCC Change It's Name?  

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  1. 1. Should OCC Change It's Name?

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its up to the staff if they want to change it, this is a dictorship, not a democracy, so If they say they're gonna change it I will support them, anyways, I submitted my idea wether or not its gonna change but it only affects me changing my browsers homepage ;)

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Well guys, it really isn't like when woke up one morning and decided "I don't like the site name or I think we should change names". When I first started the site it was more or less a personal site (which looked rather terrible for the first couple of months lol) and it was meant for a place for "Overclockers" to come and share information. I also did a few heatsink reviews and other cooling product reviews. Since then, we've gotten more in to (or wanting to do more) video card reviews, motherboard reviews, and CPU reviews. While this main seem like a very easy task to do with our traffic stats, in reality it isn't. Most companies (sponsors) see "Overclockers Club" as a community (or little club) of overclockers and nothing more. Some companies do not feel it would be good for their marketing or branding of products if a site named "Overclockers Club" recommended their product and would certaintly not put a logo of ours on their retail packing. Frankly, how many people in Best buy, CompUSA, or other stores where they sell retail products know what "Overclocking" or "Overclockers" is? Probably not even 3%.


Perhaps you all should take a look at this little article here, which is a conversation I had with Intel. Note the line: "Also, we are not big proponents of overclocking although we know people do it.. so right off the bat our management raises eyebrows." So frankly, Intel won't send us any CPU's to review since we have the word "Overclockers" in our name.


I had a chat with Kyle over at HardOCP and he said that's why they had to change their site name as well. They use to be: "Overclockers Comparison Page" hence OCP, but changed it to HardOCP for better name recognition and for companies to respect their name more so.


Lastly, the reason for the name change is because we do more than just overclocking. We also do hardware reviews, game reviews, tech news, community case galley, help forum, chat, and write coverage on tech events.


I hope you guys understand why the name change is needed.


BTW: The name that I have registered and is seriously under consideration is:

Domain: OCCHardware.com

Name: OCC Hardware


This way, we can keep the OCC part and we all know what it means :)

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I fully support LP in this. It's another sigh the we, as a community, are growing. As we grow, we need to evolve. If you think there are a lot of links to OCC now, wait until LP et. al. start posting more reviews of hardware from the the likes of Intel, AMD, ATI etc. and watch the number of references skyrocket.


The most constructive thing we can do to help is come up with some cool monikers.

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With the OCC Hardware, It doesnt sound quite right, I mean just say it out "overclockers club hardware" its long, and it sounds like a branch off of OCC. Doesnt sound like the real thing.

I would suggest overclockers hardware, but I just saw that domain and name is taken.

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While I'm sure my personal views on the name don't make a tiny bit of difference in the overall schecme of things, I think I'm cool with a name like OCC Something - as long as it doesn't change to "Jim-Bob's Hardware Thingeys" - we all know what we like about the site...


Now that I've seen some of the "why" behind this, I'm all for it! I agree that a name with 'overclocking' in it will keep some vendors from providing samples for testing, so this might definately be a change for the better...

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While it my not be as easy to get stuff from certain stuck up vendors such as Intel,(AMD is looking better everyday) The reason i first decided to come to this site was bc i was looking for a site with great advice on overclocking and mabey a guide or two to guess what...aid me in overclocking. Honestly i never would have checked out a site named OCChardware.com .... why not bc it didnt sound like what i was lookign for. If that had been the case my cchalogamer account at ExtremeOverclocking.com would still be active and not just a member who psoted mabey one message. I realise that a name change will most likely occur but i really dont think it will get THAT many new review oportunities. Honstly dont you think intel would be looking around the site where they do reviews aswell. Of course it could just be everyone else asked first and intel has the backing to not get mabey 20 mroe reviews bc they know that everyone already knows abotu their new products. I guess what im tryign to say is....will it really help that much.


Of course we could all just start a boycott of those brands that dont support the overclockign community as well as others. (seriously i see a new AMD in my future here)


Oh well i guess thats just a little more worthless commenting on a topic that we all need to share our opinions on. Thanks form me for everyone that has taken time to read others opinons and give their own without saying that the other party is stupid for wanting it a certain way. And if anyone's wondering yes i will be supporting the final decision just mabey not liking it as much as i want to.



mean while :foldon:

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I think the whole purpose of the change is to kind of hide the whole "Overclockers" part..for those of you who suggested something with Overclockers in the name..kinda defeats the purpose dont you think..I mean...I love the old name and everything....it will always be overclockersclub to me....but like LP said...it is holding us back a bit. So we just need to come together and decide on something else. I'm not so big on the OCC hardware myself...as it does seem to kinda make the site look one sided again...we are more than just hardware...just like we are more than a little club of oc'ers...I dunno...guess we all really need to think about it.

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number one... the color scheam needs changing.. so does the forum.. i like it and all.. but look at 3dgameman.com.. he has changed colors, and styles of his forum 3 times in the past 5 months.. i think more of a fancy look would do niceley.. i think OCC is the best name.. who cares about intel and there stupid crap.... if we want a review we should all donate towards that review.. then when we get a good handle on reviews, then mabe intel will see.. but we need to attract more "people" to read reviews, because they are two hidden on this site.. it kind of has to be the CENTER of the entire site.. again.. 3dgameman.. anounces upcomming revews on the homepage, in a clear manor, not jumbled with news, his news is on a seperate page.. his upcomming video revews are easaly accesed by a review scheduial, and current video reviews are on the right.. look how much stuff that guy gets, but.. if we want good stuff to review like him, we got to be ready to deal out the bandwith.. because you realy need a TON of trafic.. we also need refrences from other sites, get smaller things to review then work up.. expand the store, ect...


these are just a FEW things that need changing to become a more review oriented site. i think the name is fine.. i just think intel does not want to hand over the goods because of many of these small things...


think about it..

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i agree with LP and the others who want to change the name, but i don't think we should stray from OCC's original purpose too much.


HardwareTuners is good, but if the name is to change completely then imo the site needs to stay virtually the same, if the name stays in full or in part (OCC) then the site can change a bit more.


If changing the name gets more free stuff and mose $$ then that's good.

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how about www.hardhardware.com





overclockers hardware, but I just saw that domain and name is taken.

let me think why.. because LP allready registered the domain name :P

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