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AMD vs. Intel

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you'll get your hybrid of the 2 with the P4 F chips. they're a P4 prescott which has basically had the 64 bit extensions of the athlon 64 attached. it's only weakness is the lack of onboard memory controller.


then again you're gonna get hyper threading on the AMD's by christmas :) dual core opterons for those of us who toughed out the early days of the 940 chip!

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amd's are made in 3rd world countries, so they are evil.

So, they're evil for giving people in other countries opportunities at jobs in Malaysia, which can help them(the workers) to get a small wage that goes a bit to help support their families?








Wow... then how evil are companies such as Radio-Flyer and various jean companies for opening up factories in China to allow jobs there?















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KB, I agree with you. I can't stand when people complain about companies sending work to third-world countries, and how they don't make as much money, there's child labor, etc etc. It seems people like to falsely compare it to the US. If the people in the countries could find better jobs, then they wouldn't work for US companies, yet they continute to do so, despite what some people think are low wages. To them, it's more than they're used to making. It's great for both sides really. The corporations get to spend less money on labor, and the workers make more money than if they worked for a local company.

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you can not compare like that, they wiill needed to be benched against eachother


and you can not say somethings gona be as good as someting, you mean a certain chip is as good/better/worse


1 chip does not represent the entire company.

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KB, I agree with you. I can't stand when people complain about companies sending work to third-world countries, and how they don't make as much money, there's child labor, etc etc. It seems people like to falsely compare it to the US. If the people in the countries could find better jobs, then they wouldn't work for US companies, yet they continute to do so, despite what some people think are low wages. To them, it's more than they're used to making. It's great for both sides really. The corporations get to spend less money on labor, and the workers make more money than if they worked for a local company.

They don't pick american companies they just work for who ever. You make it sound like they work 8 hours for a decent wage and go home smiling. And its the same for other non-american companies to there because there government has no laws to protect any of them. Its not like hey the american companies are offering us benifits so lets all work for them. They work for whoevers there because not matter where they work the conditions and pay is the same.

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