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Who Hates Mac!?

Bboy Satch

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My friend got a Powerbook G4 for like $1,500 on sale. It is teh suck. It has like this tiny 10 inch screen, and no "power" at all. My $950 PC laptop kills his in all respects. And that large single button below the touch pad is hilarious.

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LOL. that's great!


i too despise Macs. I want full compatibility. Hell, i uninstalled win2k after a day because it wouldn't play all the games i tested on it.


And i agree about the OS, it looks like an "OS for Dummies", yet is anything but. Anyone who mocks WinXP (esp. choosing MacOS over it) doesn't know how to operate a computer correctly. I've had practically zero problems with it on all my computers (compared to the hundreds i had on win98)....it's people that don't know what they're doing and start messing around with ., or installing third party drivers that cause probs, and then they blame MS. WinXP kicks ..


I will admit that the apple notebooks look really cool, but it's still a MAC

windows xp does kick .!!! everyone thinks windows2k, but winxp is windows2k just better!

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Macs are better for A/V stuff. We have proof. Many say this. Final Cut Pro 4 is a hell of a lot better than Premiere. And the OS is much cheaper than Windows XP Full Versions. 120 compared to 200. Games aren't everything. All the PC games I like are on the Mac or coming soon to the Mac (Halo, UT2k4, Battlefield 1942, Warcraft III). Macs are generally more stable than Windows XP HOME EDITION. And anybody that says Macs never crash must be on the chronic. Because Macs DO crash. Happened to me once. Got a nice old kernel panic. A simple restart fixed it. Personally, I'd take the best PMAC G5 currently out (DUAL 2.5 GHz) over what I have now.

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Umm, XP is actually cheaper than OSX @ newegg:





FCP4 may be better than Premiere, but the raw hardware performance of a PC will make up for the software. Pixar uses a dual 2.8 Xeon farm to render it's animations.

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well, right now. i have an iBook sitting in my room, its our schools iBook, but i have it out on loan for an imovie and other stuff.. they dont realy loan to students.. but well.. im an exeption :D .. i am kinda starting to like mac more and more, i donth think i would ever buy one, but just knowing i can use that is pretty good.

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windows xp does kick .!!! everyone thinks windows2k, but winxp is windows2k just better!

:withstupid: I was forced to use Win2K at work, they switched my box from a P4 1.8 to a AMD XP2400. So I made them get me off win2k and onto XP pro. Having been a XP user for quite a while, I'm glad to be off 2k.

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XP is great. functional and realtively stable as long as you watch what drivers you mess with.


Longhorn (or what ever the heck they're gonna be calling it) is even better. the driver problems are much less due to the required WHQL requirement


2k was amazingly stable, just not user friendly


2k3... NICE


2k5 (which IS in beta as an addon to 2k3... not a "new OS") is looking very promising.



OS X... where do I begin with that CF of an operating system? limitted? too childish? and when you want to actually DO something that would take 30 seconds to setup in windows, it takes 10 hours of farting with to get it going.


btw macs have handles on them for 2 reasons: to carry them in for service or to throw them in the dumpster. with all that plastic on them, they lost out on their 3rd option of a BOAT ANCHOR... darn things float now (tried it with a dead G4 power mac)

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XP is great. functional and realtively stable as long as you watch what drivers you mess with.-Yes


Longhorn (or what ever the heck they're gonna be calling it) is even better. the driver problems are much less due to the required WHQL requirement-aye aye cap'n


2k was amazingly stable, just not user friendly-yeah


2k3... NICE-k


2k5 (which IS in beta as an addon to 2k3... not a "new OS") is looking very promising.



OS X... where do I begin with that CF of an operating system? limitted? too childish? and when you want to actually DO something that would take 30 seconds to setup in windows, it takes 10 hours of farting with to get it going.-Either you were using a slow mac or you don't know how to use an operating system besides the consumer standard


btw macs have handles on them for 2 reasons: to carry them in for service or to throw them in the dumpster. with all that plastic on them, they lost out on their 3rd option of a BOAT ANCHOR... darn things float now (tried it with a dead G4 power mac)-no No NO! Just no.

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you have had to trouble shoot a mac right? THAT is the most horrific thing known to man!!! when something does go wrong it's so horrible I want to pull my hair out. and YESE I do happen to know how to use a mac. I actually had to spend time in class to get certified for MAC+ to work on the little turds.


the best one to deal with on a mac: go put memory in the "tech servicable bay" of an LCD imac... THEN we'll talk about annoying... flaming retard engineers at mac should be beat for what they came up with.

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depending on what you want to do, macs are awesome. i have a pc to screw off on, play games, and code on and a mac to do 3d, design, web stuff, etc. i love them both. and mac os x beats the crap out of windows any day.

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