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Who Hates Mac!?

Bboy Satch

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XP is great. functional and realtively stable as long as you watch what drivers you mess with.


Longhorn (or what ever the heck they're gonna be calling it) is even better. the driver problems are much less due to the required WHQL requirement


2k was amazingly stable, just not user friendly


2k3... NICE


2k5 (which IS in beta as an addon to 2k3... not a "new OS") is looking very promising.



OS X... where do I begin with that CF of an operating system? limitted? too childish? and when you want to actually DO something that would take 30 seconds to setup in windows, it takes 10 hours of farting with to get it going.


btw macs have handles on them for 2 reasons: to carry them in for service or to throw them in the dumpster. with all that plastic on them, they lost out on their 3rd option of a BOAT ANCHOR... darn things float now (tried it with a dead G4 power mac)

LOL.. i like the fact that the OS X runs on a BSD Unix subsystem, that makes the os X a hellava lot more stable then xp.. yes i agree it is kinda childish, and its kinda lame, but if you know unix commands, you can get things done alot faster in the terminal :D BTW.. i like your use of the handles, although my iBook dont have handels, i guess you could alwies use it as a large frisbe :P

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ok anybody who used windows 2k then moved to XP..you had the feeeling that windows xp made you feel stupid becuase it wants to do everything for you. Now imagine that feeling in reverse the operating system wont do anything you tell it, its easier to shut the computer down(and by computer i mean fruitly colored electronics used to create somewhat pretty interactable graphics) and manually go write the code on a peice of paper then try to read it and cacluate it in your head.


1 button mouse is just dumb, easily fixed but dumb


imcompatibility is just apple being as stubborn and being just as much of a JERK as microsoft. Not allowing for x86 and x86-64 hardware on thier os is just like a monoply almost so now they can charge y ou 600 dollars for ram. No joke newegg had some made by OCZ the other day. IF one could install os X on a pc im sure it would be more common than linux and be a major competitor for windows

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the reason macs run 1/2 deacent with mac os x on there computers with slow processors is because everything is built to run together so there is less bugs. But i think if MAC started to sell the OS X windows might have some compitition because the majority that would like OS X, like it for the usibility and hate it becase its on a MAC.. and i dont blame em.. the os is dirt cheep though.. 120.. i payed 199 for pro a wile ago.. mac is ok.. but i would prefer a pc anyday

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Bigred is right, its hard is hell to fix a mac. There stupid error messages, you cant even look at what they mean. they just give you that freeken sad face and say you need to hold in the button for 10 seconds to turn off your computer, then you have to do a safe boot and figure out what the heck is wrong, i work with some at school, and they are not fun to fix!

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Personally I think XP sucks-I'm only using it because my parents made me stop using the version of 2k I had which was, umm, lets just say "marginally legal". 2000 is totally hands off and is just as stable as XP, which is too user friendly. User friendly is ok up to a point: for example, 2k was just right in the user friendliness department. Now OSX, OMG, that's WAAAAY too user friendly. God I hate user friendly crap...<_<




(I find myself repeating this line more and more frequently)

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There OS is built for *new word* easyuseability not configurability, they are great for people just getitng into computers, because there is not alot to learn, and the dock is kinda a dumb . thing.. for stupid people :D but there are hardly any viruses and things to wory about so again.. its great for older or very young people to get introduced into computers.. speeking of the dock. .thats all i use :D

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the part about everything being under mac's control ISN'T a bad thing. one of the biggest knocks on compaq has always been the lack of consistancy in them. open up 2 identical presarios, and odds are you will NOT find them to be 100% alike in hardware or software. macs ARE... from the first to last off the line.


mac ram? it's standard ram. typical of those dorks selling boxed ram... charge for some crap like that. but that's another rant for another thread


mac bios? it's there, you just can't get at it to reconfigure it like a PC's. it's set up at the factory and burned onto a rom chip that is NOT to be screwed with unlike a PC (again since they're all the same who needs to change it for that model?)


and if you want to use the mac, go ahead and use it... I can't tell you not to. I just choose not to use even the one I own



asus, the doc is a GREAT thing, better start getting used to it, it's kinda nice to autohide your desktop instead of that cluttered mess you've got going on there... longhorn has had a dock in a few versions then it goes away for a few and is back again... could be in windows sooner than you think


oh and while we're on the subject of change. the upgrade to XP from 2k is more apparent from NT to 2k to 2k3. if you have to administer (not just screw around with it like most folks here do) 2k was a quantum leap ahead, and 2k3 is even more so. when time counts I'll take EASY... forget typing line after line in a console. I want icons to click on and and take care of it easier without having to remember if it's attrib -r or attrib -w to do what I want.. it's a common thing with man, we come up with things to make life easier... look at the hammer over a rock, a car over a horse drawn buggy, a jet vs a prop driven air craft, windows vs dos.... it's called forward progress


one more rant on this topic: virus. why aren't there viruses for macs like there are for PC's? WHO GIVES A RATS .? #of PC's vs # of Mac's in the real world... statistics goes in favor of the PC having more viruses out there cuz there are more of them to be infected, and more people writing viruses ON PC's

Edited by bigred

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:withstupid: I was forced to use Win2K at work, they switched my box from a P4 1.8 to a AMD XP2400. So I made them get me off win2k and onto XP pro. Having been a XP user for quite a while, I'm glad to be off 2k.

i have to use win2k at work now also...why? because the person in charge of the network likes it...we're not allowed to install a program, let alone a new OS. But then again, we also use a bunch of crap quasi-DOS programs as well.


but as far as stability goes, I've had no problems (well, except with real player...but that's just a really old issue that i've been to lazy to deal with...all i have to do is reinstall it). But my computer has maybe crashed once...maybe. Sure some programs have stopped running before, but a simple ctrl-alt-del, end program solves that pretty easily. And btw, i do not use the XP look. I use the win98 start menu....it's funny how there's so many people who mock XP's look and don't realize you can change a bunch of things if you wanted to.



one more rant on this topic: virus. why aren't there viruses for macs like there are for PC's? WHO GIVES A RATS .? #of PC's vs # of Mac's in the real world... statistics goes in favor of the PC having more viruses out there cuz there are more of them to be infected, and more people writing viruses ON PC's


aye. i was about to say the same thing. You can't compare PC probs with MAC probs half the time, because there's just so much more that can go wrong with PC's simply because more people use them and more companies develop for them. Why wipe out 1000 mac users when you can wipe out 100,000 windows users? Not that you should really be creating viruses anyways, but that's moot. If you wanted to spread a virus, or were a hacker, which platform would you choose to go after? The answer's pretty obvious.


o, and as far a mouse goes....i can't stand not even having a scroll whell, let alone a second button.

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