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Nvidia Rocks E3

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Here's a post that was copied from http://guildwars.rpgstars.com, courtesy of site admin Chile. I just thought it was pertinent here, and haven't seen anyone post it. It's a quote from a press release regarding nVidia at E3 (which was 5/12-14):


below is the official press release from the e3 as pulled from Virtual Press Office






Platform-Defining PC Titles to Be Showcased on NVIDIA--based PCs Provided By HP



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I sort skimed it, and didn't seen anything that hasn't been talked about before, anything that is perticularly exciting about that PR?

well just the extreme presence of nvidia at E3, and how many games showcased nvidia, and not ati. A lot of big-name games that are already out, or coming out.


Also, there's been a lot of discussion on shader 3.0, and how we wouldn't see any benefit from it in awhile, but it seems developers have already started utilizing it...something ATI doesn't/can't have.

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Ok, NVidia 6800, but what about ati's X800 card. The one that will use full capabilities of the new PCI Express coming out. NVidia cards will only support it with a built in controller to use it, not utilize it. Not to mention I bet the X800, like the 9xxx series cards will wipe their butts with nvidia again.

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The nVidia booth was pretty neat - but it wasn't anything really spectacular. Playing some of the newer games on that 6800 GPU was pretty neat though - World of Warcraft looked nice.

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Ok, NVidia 6800, but what about ati's X800 card. The one that will use full capabilities of the new PCI Express coming out. NVidia cards will only support it with a built in controller to use it, not utilize it. Not to mention I bet the X800, like the 9xxx series cards will wipe their butts with nvidia again.

huh? where'd you hear that? The x800 is agp...never heard that being compatible with pci-express.

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when is nvdia's new card due out? ive only owned 1 ati card my entire life, and it was .. given it was about 6 years ago, still. i love nvida and when the new card coems out i am going to get one for sure.

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Once shader 3 optimized games come out nvidias 6800 should increase in performance cos shader 3 is designed for speed increase whilst keeping the same quality. its a part of direct x 9c. Ati doesn't support this so it should be interesting once games start using it and ati has to force its cards through driver optimizations like nvidia have to do now.

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