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Dead Computer


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please read my post "dead computer " its olny a few post down. thanks


i'm using "knoppix " at this moment , and the system is working .

does this mean that my hard drive is most likely the problem ? :huh:

Edited by dling

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please read my post "dead computer " its olny a few post down. thanks

helps to add a link to your previous thread


i'm using "knoppix " at this moment , and the system is working .

does this mean that my hard drive is most likely the problem


that's good news. most likely nothing wrong with your hardware; just messed up OS. The blue screen is coming from windows... meaning windows is loading up to the extent that it can report that. I doubt the HD is in trouble.


EDIT: maybe your HD got corrupted after the FSB change... southbridge might have had a problem.

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