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The Draft


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u really dont need facts... i dont have solid proof about the assasination ...i was only like 3-4 yrs old when desert storm happend. but on the oil subjec..


i think it is very possible that it is one of the reasons why we went into Iraq.. if u think about it. Venizuala's gov. was overthrown, raising our gas prices,


Bush new better, so he did what he had to do,


That is one one of the many reason why he went into Iraq....


Most conspiracies drive fact....

Like I said, enough with the conspiracy theories....

Another conspiracy is that "Most conspiracies drive fact"

Complete balogne.....

Just give me one source, until then I stick by facts, and facts alone,

Making up stuff in your brain doesn't constitute as a fact sorry :rolleyes:

And yes it is a FACT that Saddam tried to assassinate Bush Sr., but so what?

We were attacked on 9-11, As Bush said in his SPeech post 9-11, those who harbor or fund terrorists are terrorists, and will be punished just like a terrorist.

in a years to come, when bush wont be president, i bet papers and personal letters from bush to his advisors will be released and will tell everyone why went there in the first place.....

Im sorry but your only 14yrs old (not too be rude, I am 22 and consider myself still Young and just starting to engaging in Politics), not that age means anything, but just by the way you are talking you are making stuff up. The world, along with Public Opinion, doesn't revolve around conspiracy theories.

I think its good that you are letting out how you feel, but you shouldn't drive your politics with emotions and theories...

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u really dont need facts... i dont have solid proof about the assasination ...i was only like 3-4 yrs old when desert storm happend. but on the oil subjec..


i think it is very possible that it is one of the reasons why we went into Iraq.. if u think about it. Venizuala's gov. was overthrown, raising our gas prices,


Bush new better, so he did what he had to do,


That is one one of the many reason why he went into Iraq....


in a years to come, when bush wont be president, i bet papers and personal letters from bush to his advisors will be released and will tell everyone why went there in the first place.....




Most conspiracies drive fact....

you do know what state bush is from right? the state he was the govenor of? it's this big-assed state located kinda in the dead center of the country's southern region. it's called TEXAS. what does texas have? OIL.


then we have this other state called alaska. you know what alaska has? OIL. so much that they actually PAY the residents of alaska $$$ just for living there! we don't need iraq's oil.



draft wise. I still wish I could sign up. I feel bad being the first generation on my dad's side of the family NOT to have graduated from the Naval Academy in 6 generations (my brother can't either) and serve our nation.



I'll equate sadam to something most morons can even grasp. think of it like your car, and an oil change. (simple enough right?) anyhow do you wait till the oil turns to sludge and destroys the engine? or do you replace it when you know you need to, cuz you know full well it's going to cause major problems if you don't? most people choose to take care of problems BEFORE they get out of hand. now in sadam terms. do you let sadam develop MORE WMD's and use them on say New York, or LA? or do you go take care of this before it happens? I'd go for the second choice again. he's a seriously evil person, he did kill close to a million of his fellow countrymen simply because they didn't believe the same exact version of the religion he believes in (it's still islam), or because they didn't come from iraq thousands of years ago... what the heck? I'm sorry but I'd personally loved to have been out there looking for his . with a nice high powered sniper riffle. same goes for that clown bin laden. I'd PAY to be the one to find him. I wouldn't shoot to kill, but "shoot to wound in a comical fashion" by taking out a knee, foot, or better yet testicles. make em SUFFER for what they did to so many people. am I bitter? yes! am I proud of the men and women of the US armed forces for going to Iraq and other places to help those less fortunate? you better believe it. stupid diabetes stopped me from going too.


so before we got bashing the war in Iraq think about what happens if it had the chance to spill over into this country. I seriously feel sorry for the innocent people caught up in the middle of this, but we're there to help THEM not the american oil industry

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I'm going back a couple posts, to which IoDd64 referred to WWII/WWIII and WMD. Isn't it ironic that the first, and only war, to have WMD accumlate civilian casualties is WWII, when WE, THE USA, dropped a 10 kiloton atomic bomb. Two of them, infact.


Anyone who thinks a WMD will ever be used, go watch the movie War Games...No one wins...


More on topic, if the draft was ever instated, I'm going to go to sign up, forget dumb luck of being choosen and whatever. I'm willing to fight for my country if needed...I'd rather not have it come to that, but freedom is our greatest asset, and we can have open disscussion about things like this. Imagine places were you have no choice? Even a democratic nation such as Isreal, were you must join the armed forces. America sound good now to you pacifists? crap right it does.

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I'm a firm beleiver in nonviolence, and I'd say that if you wanna go off and get yourself killed, you've got a right, but sure ain't, and I don't beleive it's right to force people to fight and die for a cause that they may not beleive in. I'm only going to reply to the original question in fear of getting this thread closed, so I'll say I'm against the draft and nervous, seeing that in a few years I'll be eligible to get drafted. In the case that the draft is reinstated, I'll probably see if I can get CO status (since I technically am) or move to Canada, which I've already got on the list anyway.

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A soldier is there to do their DUTY . It's not for them to question the orders but to follow them. Right or Wrong the Battle needs to be fought and WON by these same soldiers. To often in the past 60 years have "politics" caused the U.S of A. to get a bloody nose and back out of a situation that seemed to be bad in the intrest of keeping soldiers from losing their lives when the politicians were more concerned about how to get reelected instead of facing the problem head on and winning. A conscientious objector is just a coward and really shouldn't even be in the service. This country had a different set of values 60 years ago and its a shame that the willingness to do your duty when your country called has taken a back seat to the turn the other cheek mentality. It's not "Our" problem But guess what ............It is!! Does anyone remmember 9/11/2001 ??? I Do!!! :foldon:

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A conscientious objector is just a coward and really shouldn't even be in the service.


:unsure: Not cool. <_<


Does anyone remmember 9/11/2001 ???


Yes, I do, but as far as I'm concerned, smoking kills more people than terrorists. If we are leading a "war on terrorism" for approx. 3,000 US civilian deaths, then why aren't we leading a war on tobacco for the hundreds of thousands who are dead? Just my 2 cents. (no offense to any smokers/chewers, you've got a right to smoke, just like you've got a right to join the army)

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Anyone who thinks a WMD will ever be used, go watch the movie War Games...No one wins...

no weapons of mass destruction? they've never been used? tell that to the curds, tell that to the members of the iranian army! mustard gas IS a WMD, cynide, chlorine, VX, anthrax, ebola, small pox, and dozens of other weapons used on them ARE classified as WMD's. Nukes are not the only ones on the list. I'm sorry it goes back to my comment about preventing a problem before it gets out of hand. I don't want to find out IF sadam was willing to dump that on this country, screw him and his litttle henchmen.

Edited by bigred

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:unsure: Not cool. <_>




Yes, I do, but as far as I'm concerned, smoking kills more people than terrorists.  If we are leading a "war on terrorism" for approx. 3,000 US civilian deaths, then why aren't we leading a war on tobacco for the hundreds of thousands who are dead?  Just my 2 cents. ;)

Smoking does kill more people than terrorists in this country..... I'll give youthat. I dont smoke but half my family does or did and i personally think it's disgusting. What is the acceptable body count for an attack on our soil before we have a response for these attacks? 1 terrorist act is an act of war. What about when the U.S.S. Cole was assaulted in a foriegn port and killed 26 of our fine servicemen and women. What was our response............ Nothing!!! How long is the Big Dog gonna get smacked in the nose before he bites? If you do nothing then you allow that kind of act to happen over and over and over. What if you or a loved one were one of the ones killed would it mke a difference in how you feel? Preventing a problem is far easier than having to deal with it at a later time if you ask me.Yes i did say Cowards. They are the ones who signed up just for the college money and figured we would never go to War then all of a sudden object to that which they signed up to do. :withstupid:

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I wouldn't shoot to kill, but "shoot to wound in a comical fashion" by taking out a knee, foot, or better yet testicles.  make em SUFFER for what they did to so many people.  am I bitter?  yes!  am I proud of the men and women of the US armed forces for going to Iraq and other places to help those less fortunate?  you better believe it.  stupid diabetes stopped me from going too.


so before we got bashing the war in Iraq think about what happens if it had the chance to spill over into this country.  I seriously feel sorry for the innocent people caught up in the middle of this, but we're there to help THEM not the american oil industry

i agree with the comical fashion style "torture"... My cousin enlisted in the marines 2 yrs ago.. i only talk to him online once in a while... i dont no how he gets on, but i do know that he fights for everyone one of us...


he said, that he wanted to make Osama and Saddam feel what they made us feel... and im pretty sure he was in the platoon that found saddam...


i hope he punched him in the face or something.... god it pisses me off that, dumbass people would do that to people,


i mean killing 1, 2 people... for treason or some other kind of offenseto a governments stand point is fine, but becuz its another religion? and killing thousands, is going to far...



I personally want them to suffer publically, have lines of people line up 1 by 1 to smack them or something.....



and if the draft gets reinstated im signing up, as soon as i can... i want to help out when my country needs me..

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