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The Draft


I it good or bad  

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  1. 1. I it good or bad

    • Draft is good
    • Draft is bad
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    • I dont care

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Is the draft good or bad? What do you realy think? Personally i am scard that i might have to go into a war i dont support or beleave in. I personally dont want to loose my life in the name of peace for iraq. I do support the soldures, but not the cause. And its not there falts eather.

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Draft is good only if necessary.

But Asus don't listen to the stuff on the news about initiating a Draft, we are NOT gonna have a draft anytime soon, we have plenty of soldiers still here on the ground.

Nonetheless if there was a Draft I am all for it, and would be the 1st to sign up.

Keep in mind too Asus, A U.S. Soldier doesn't join the Army, Navy, etc. for fun and games, they do it because they know they may have to defend this country and put their life on the line. A soldier doesn't CARE about what politics brought them in their, they care about the person to the left and the right of them.


****Offtopic, Equating this war to Vietnam (as some on the left have been doing) just brings moral down, and doesn't serve our troops well.

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When i saw the title of this thread, i thought it was about the NFL Draft this weekend. lol


I'll be going to it this Saturday ....I'll be the 22yr old with the Roy Williams Cowboy Jersey on! Look for me on TV ;)

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i know.. but it just scares me, and really shows you the reality of our government. First, i think the draft should be optional, offering a very good pay check. I say a few million dollars per solder. NOW.. i know what your thinking. "a few million dollars, our country would go bankrupt" well.. peoples lives would be ruined for a no-good cause. And no amount of money could mend what a solders has to go through. I hate war, espetally a war with no cause. Sure sadam was a really really bad person. But that

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i know about everything you said. But i am trying to get to the roots, saying, we should not be there. Its unfortinite that things happen like this. But osama binladen is the one who blew our towers up. Not sadam. I realise somthing had to be done about iraq but not war. The United Nations should have lead this fight.

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i wish truman was still president, him or roosevelt, its becuase of those kinds of people, we won WWII...


im not saying this is WWII or even WWIII ... but still we should have a better leader than a guy that wants to get back at saddam for "attempted" assasination and oil...


to me the iraq is an unstable country, we went in there "to remove weapons of mass destruction" its more like ... "make sure there arnet going to be those kinds of weapons" by whipping out the terrorists


iraq is unstable, meaning if they get a nuke, who knows which "side" will get it first, and use it...


and we all no crap sure what that kind of bomb is capable of..



let the soldiers do what they can... we will probably go back in there in the furture, becuz i still dont trust "the iraqi governing council"... i think they should adapt our kind of democracy, with a president, congress, and a supreme court... its worked for us for the last 300 years...


if only they would cooperate more often...

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i know about everything you said.  But i am trying to get to the roots, saying,  we should not be there.  Its unfortinite that things happen like this.  But osama binladen is the one who blew our towers up.  Not sadam.  I realise somthing had to be done about iraq but not war.  The United Nations should have lead this fight.

Funny how you disregarded everything I said...

I love how we just bounce from subject to subject!

Okay the U.N. is what u want to talk about?

Do you know about the Rwanda Massacre?

The U.N. (not forceful) tried disarming both sides from weapons?

You know what happened, one side didn't and massacred the others while the U.N. STOOD THEIR and did NOTHING because there "Mandate" wouldn't allow them too.

http://www.newint.org/issue262/doing.htm <--Incase you don't believe me


Secondly The U.N. was in Iraq not too long ago Asus, Do you know what happened then?

Once again they got bombed, and they CUT and RUN, simple as that, you get terrorized and you cut and run?


Third since were going to the "Roots" of all this Iraq War?

Did you know Saddam violated 18 UN RESOLUTIONS?

When was the International Community gonna wake up and use force? When he fires some WMD's or gives it to a terrorist group to harm us?

Resolution 1441 authorized the use of force if Saddam didn't comply.

Guess What?

He didn't comply, the International Community STILL wanted to wait, and Bush Didn't stand for IT.

God Bless Bush, we don't need ANY Int'l body telling us what to do because it is our Soveirn Right to protect our freedom and security.

Anything else about the "roots"?


but still we should have a better leader than a guy that wants to get back at saddam for "attempted" assasination and oil...
What kind of nonsense and junk is that. Can we stop with the conspiracy theories and stick with Facts? Do you have any evidence to back up your claims? :rolleyes:

Didn't think so. <_<

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u really dont need facts... i dont have solid proof about the assasination ...i was only like 3-4 yrs old when desert storm happend. but on the oil subjec..


i think it is very possible that it is one of the reasons why we went into Iraq.. if u think about it. Venizuala's gov. was overthrown, raising our gas prices,


Bush new better, so he did what he had to do,


That is one one of the many reason why he went into Iraq....


in a years to come, when bush wont be president, i bet papers and personal letters from bush to his advisors will be released and will tell everyone why went there in the first place.....




Most conspiracies drive fact....

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"HOO AAA" ayokona


i was going to reply to the first post but u did it for me.l


persanaly id be over thier right now if i was able to jion the army. (crimanal record)im hoping that in light of whats going on the next time i go to the recruiter i might be alowed to slip by and enlist.



and asus if your worried about being drafted and dying in combat dont be:

1: thier all most certanly wont be a draft and 2: you can enlist as an objecter and will not be put into combat. the way the armed forces are now u probably wouldnt have to even leave the country if you didnt want to.

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