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The Person Above Thread


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^ true

< just read the wat... good times!

<< thinks it will be tough to beat it

v agrees with me

vv agrees with me as well

vvv thinks im god for some reason

vvvv will start to worship me at some point and time in the forums ;)

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Is too lazy to come up with a new topic and so covers by questioning what the world's longest thread is


<Is the Welt-Meister


As Welt-Meister orders V to discuss the possibilities of what would happen if the world was made of Jello

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^(2 up) has been listening to a song that goes "shut up just shut up shut up"

^ (1 up) is only jealous cos i will own the world record for longest thread

< realizes that the world being made of jello would end all famine stop all wars and would even give the loser kids something to eat at there parties which no one came to

V was a loser kid

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