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Official OCC 2018 Christmas Contest


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Sweet, thanks Bosco and OCC! I think y'all must have read the submissions carefully because I think I said an SSD would be my first purchase of the year, and that what I won! Thanks guys!


Merry Christmas All!!

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Another year, another shattered dream. :)


Congratulations to all the winners.


I always enjoy entering this competition because it's a great community and having this posted as a thread on the forum makes it nice to follow. Other giveaways are simply send and forget.


Also, this competition always makes me think what I want to buy. My next purchase (after the FX 8350 I've already ordered) would probably be a cheap case.


And I'd still love an update about Bosco to be posted here.

Edited by ET3D
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Wow. I had to re-read that three times to make sure I had it right, hope its not a cruel joke :D Titan XP.... INSANE!!! When I entered I thought to myself - hey worth a shot for a GPU (most parts in my PC are up-to-date) but in my mind I've settled for a game or something... Well, I guess the year of getting divorced and quitting a job (have a new and better one now, not to worry) culminated in an epic ending... As the infamous meme goes - I'll go lay down, try not to cry but will probably cry a lot...  :whoa:  :thumbsup:  :banana:  :bunny:  :thx: 

Before I did, I'd love to extend my thanks to all the members and staff of OCC, I am glad that this train keeps on rolling for so many years, keep the reviews and guides coming!  :thx:  :wub:  :woot: 

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