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Yeah I'm not going to convert  any of it to XCP, it is just too much of a loss. I did buy $50 of Bitcoin and transferred it into my counterwallet so I can at least pay for some transfers now. Now it's just a waiting game on Bittrex.


What number do I put in that box, I can change it. If I change it to the price of the last sell order I lose a lot less money 


Edited by slick2500

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The Thread-ripper thing is funny to me.


I've been CPU mining from the start, and when my mining rig got wet a few weeks back I ordered a Ryzen R7 1700 and board to replace the Z170 board that died (the i7-7700 went in another board that was housing an i5-6400 for now) and even with the nosedive in profits the 1700 at a modest 3.8Ghz (any more and it wanted more than stock voltage) is bringing in ~$1.10 a day AFTER factoring in power (It was $1.95 when I first got it together) making the investment not so bad. I figure if mining profits go bad I have far more use for a Ryzen 8 core than a garbage celeron. This time of year it helps heat the house too ;)


I'm not saying people trying to make a living off 10 mining rigs should send the celerons packing, but for a casual user wanting some return on upgrades it works out nicely.  A friend just upgraded both his Plex server and his main gaming rig and is mining in their down time. Sure he paid MSRP for two 1080 Ti FEs and he wont see ROI for a long time the way things are going, BUT he needed to update his first gen i7/GTX 770 combo anyway so this lets him do that AND make some of the cash back (Though his gaming rig actually has an i5-8600k in it so only ~$0.75 a day before power usage on that one based on mine right now).  

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From the looks of things it may be a while before we see normal prices on video cards.


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This can't be right. I think I broke it. Would I really end up with 8.8054268 bitcoins? Because that is like $80,187.24


Edited by slick2500

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Yeah its wrong. You are trying to sell at 2779 not the going rate of 314, that's why its saying 8 BTC.


What website is that anyways? If its not Bittrex I wouldn't be selling any of my FLDC, might never get it back.

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Yeah its wrong. You are trying to sell at 2779 not the going rate of 314, that's why its saying 8 BTC.


What website is that anyways? If its not Bittrex I wouldn't be selling any of my FLDC, might never get it back.

There is an option in Couterwallet to sell FLDC to BTC. 

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Well I just tried that option with the little bit of fldc I got, I changed the value to ..00003 btc will see what happens...

Did you set it to .00003 or .000003? If I am reading what ir_cow was saying right, the price should be .00000314 right?

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