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Intel vs AMD

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3. Budget. Well, as I indicated, as inexpensive as possible, so long as it performs, because I'm a bit of a miser. By "performs", I mean that it runs all of my programs without bogging down AT ALL (and since the most intensive program I run is probably Sony Vegas - I don't play Crysis or anything even nearly that power-hungry - that shouldn't be too hard), plays Blu-ray quality HD video without lagging or pixelating AT ALL, starts up quickly, can multitask without any issues, and does what I tell it to when I tell it to, without making me sit around waiting while programs open or applications run. Some of that is going to be related to how much memory I put in it, but some well be related to the processor and video card. But, if I HAVE to throw a number out there, I'd say...$250, MAX. Preferably significantly less than that. In the end, I want a system that performs admirably "out of the box", but leaves room for dramatic improvements as time and technology allow.


Based on the entirety of your response I would say that an AMD FX based system would be a perfect fit but then we come to the bolded portion. The ability to upgrade is dependent on a lot of factors. When it comes to GPUs that tends to be easy, same with HDs, as you can drop a new one in most of the time and be fine. The CPU however is a different story as you might need to make adjustments that are more intrusive such as replacing a motherboard.


Applications open and starting quickly as you stated BTW are less a function of the CPU than of RAM and the use of an SSD. Using an SSD with your OS and apps is one of the most experiencing changing upgrades you can make.


Based on your budget and the desire for a great experience with a low cost, I would through an FX system together with 16 gigs and a solid mid range card. Throw an SSD in and you are set.

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That's why I was looking at the ASUS Z-89 Deluxe/Quad motherboard, with lower-end processor and video, etc. With a high end motherboard, I can get the lowest end parts compatible with it, and then upgrade later, without having to swap out the mobo. That being said, every decent Intel system I've priced out with that mobo comes in around $1300. I was looking at an AMD based system last night that had comparable specs (as near as I can tell), but was almost half the price. So, as you can imagine, I'm now REALLY leaning toward the AMD based system, especially since the consensus seems to be that, not being a professional, I probably won't even notice the difference between AMD and Intel. But, as you can see from my earlier response, a good bit of my knowledge about computer building is out of date, due to technology advances. If anyone feels like it, I sure would appreciate some guidance on parting out the system, with the things I've mentioned in mind. I'll be buying everything from Newegg, so if anyone takes up that challenge, please part everything out from there.

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 I'll be buying everything from Newegg, so if anyone takes up that challenge, please part everything out from there.


Ok, I'll take that challenge   :)



Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3


$134.99 + free shipping + $10 rebate card



AMD FX-6300 Vishera


$109.99 using promo code EMCWVTJ23 + free shipping



Team 16Gb DDR 1600Mhz


$139.99 + free shipping



Crucial M500 240Gb 


$149.99 + .99C shipping


Hard Drive

Seagate Constellation 1Tb


$94.99 + free shipping


Video Card

HIS IceQ X2 R9 270X


$219.99 + $5.67 shipping (but will have to wait until they come back in to stock)


Power Supply

Seasonic M12II 650W


$94.99 + $7.99 shipping


Sound Card (optional)

Creative Soundblaster Z


$79.99 + free shipping


Total = $1039.57


But you could hold off on the sound card for now and get below your budget target.  You could also opt for a 120Gb or 128Gb SSD to shave some savings - however I'd recommend a 240Gb or larger if you can swing it.


Watch for power supplies to go on sale, you might be able to save a little there too.  Just don't skimp on power supply quality.  You could probably get away with a 500W power supply, but get a well respected brand name..... NO Junk on power supplies.

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 I'll be buying everything from Newegg, so if anyone takes up that challenge, please part everything out from there.


Ok, I'll take that challenge   :)



Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3


$134.99 + free shipping + $10 rebate card



AMD FX-6300 Vishera


$109.99 using promo code EMCWVTJ23 + free shipping



Team 16Gb DDR 1600Mhz


$139.99 + free shipping



Crucial M500 240Gb 


$149.99 + .99C shipping


Hard Drive

Seagate Constellation 1Tb


$94.99 + free shipping


Video Card

HIS IceQ X2 R9 270X


$219.99 + $5.67 shipping (but will have to wait until they come back in to stock)


Power Supply

Seasonic M12II 650W


$94.99 + $7.99 shipping


Sound Card (optional)

Creative Soundblaster Z


$79.99 + free shipping


Counter Cheapo Intel Build


Intel Core i3-4130


$129.99 using promo code EMCWVTJ23 + free shipping



Team 16Gb DDR 1600Mhz


$119.99 + free shipping



Crucial M500 240Gb 


$149.99 + .99C shipping


Hard Drive

Seagate Barracuda 1Tb


$64.99 + free shipping -$5 Code (MUSTHAVE31)


Video Card

Diamond XOC R9 270X


$209.99 + $5.39 shipping (but will have to wait until they come back in to stock)


Power Supply

Corsair HX650 650W


$109.99 + shipping -$20 MIR



AsRock Z87 Pro4


$109.99+ Free Shipping

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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there is the question of what software is being used. the op never said. Since it's under "light video editing" i'm gonna say, it doesn't matter AMD or Intel... Just get 16gb of ram for better results.


also video card acceleration only effects previews, most programs use the CPU to encode the video but CUDA does support H.264 1-Pass using the video card, if the software takes advantage of it.

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there is the question of what software is being used. the op never said. Since it's under "light video editing" i'm gonna say, it doesn't matter AMD or Intel... Just get 16gb of ram for better results.


also video card acceleration only effects previews, most programs use the CPU to encode the video but CUDA does support H.264 1-Pass using the video card, if the software takes advantage of it.

I know it doesn't but options are always good (I'd still cut costs where it doesn't hurt performance in the other areas at least, hell the AMD system with my recommendations could probably run 32GB of RAM)


Where's the mb IVI ?

Updated post lol, thought I had everything posted (looked it up too)

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I think the new FX-8xxx chips are pretty strong, holding their own against the juggernaut that is the i5. Heat output (140w) is much higher than Intel, so make sure the cooling is pretty beefy. Make sure the PSU is up-to-task, no cheap China crap.

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I think the new FX-8xxx chips are pretty strong, holding their own against the juggernaut that is the i5. Heat output (140w) is much higher than Intel, so make sure the cooling is pretty beefy. Make sure the PSU is up-to-task, no cheap China crap.

Depends on the workload. In games and lightly threaded apps the Intel chip will put a hurting on any of the FX series.

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Video software: right now, I'm only using Sony Vegas. But both my brother and I are into digital drawing as well, and I'm looking into a Wacom Cintiq 24HD. I don't know all the software I'll be using with it, but I don't want any nasty surprises, you know?


I appreciate the build suggestions. I don't know if y'all realize just how helpful all of this is to me. I do need more than 1tb of storage, though, so I'd probably forgo the sound card for now and increase storage to 4tb which, once I get everything organized, and including the storage I now have, should give me around 10tb of storage. I'm going to have to add more storage pretty quickly, so whatever system I build needs to be able to handle a RAID setup (probably just RAID 0). But overall, you guys have given me a lot to think about, and I appreciate it. If you have more suggestions or comments, I welcome them!

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