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What is the benefit of playing game at 1920X1080?


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Okay lets clear some stuff up, higher resolutions does NOT mean better image quality in all cases. Higher resolution means, if the game supports it, more information on the screen. By having a larger resolution you can see more of the game world at once. As for image quality, depending on the video card it can be a wash. A game at high detail and your 768 resolution will look a lot better than a game at low detail and 1080. So depending on the hardware lower resolution can be a benefit as it means the game can look better. I can tell you my move from 1080 to 1440 did little to really change the way the games look dispite people telling me it would make a huge difference.


if you are happy with the way your games look then do not sweat it and tell your friend to kiss off. The BEST resolution to game it is the one YOU enjoy.

I agree with this 100%. This is however very dependent on the actual screen size that you are using. At your resolution you are actually displaying around a million pixels (you can do the math yourself). If you display this on an 18.5" screen (I'm guessing your screen size) you get around 170 square inches that you are looking at. That gives you a pixel density of 6100 pixels per square inch. If you compare that to a 27" screen at 1920x1080 you are actually displaying around 2 million pixels, which gives you around 364 square inches that you are looking at. That gives you a pixel density of 5700 pixels per square inch (I know 18.5" and 27" are worlds apart in actual size but we are discussion image quality). So for the same square inch you are looking at, you are seeing less pixels. What a bigger graphics card is giving you is the ability to display your 2 million pixels at 60 "changes" in color every second.


More pixels = more detail


As you can see this is not always true. Detail is dependent an the size you are viewing.

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i always find that ''high res is way more superiour then lower res'' bullshit.


if you have a monitor with native 1368x768 resolution it will look as sharp as a 1080P monitor because that monitor is supporting it natively.

navitve is the keyword here, i played at my friends house on his 1368x768 tv (32'') and i didnt really saw a difference except a little (and i mean miniscule) jaggies compared to my full hd monitor.

the AAx2 removed those jaggies and it looked just as sharp as the 1080P monitor.


people say it is a huge difference because they put the res on 1368x768 on a natively 1080p monitor, ofcourse it looks worse then 1080P then because the monitor isnt supporting it natively thus giving a worse image detail then a native 1368x768 monitor. people often forget that when a resolution is supported natively then the image quality goes way up compared to a downscaled resolution on a higher resolution monitor.





just saying.



and what your friend is saying about when you buy a highend card while playing on lower resolution is bad, its not bad per-se but the bandwith the card support would be a bit wasted but you can always turn on AA and such to compensate.

Edited by WarWeeny

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You cannot argue with DPI. On a similarly sized screen, the higher resolution monitor will look better. Not just in games - on your desktop, in photoshop, even in Word. Going from a 26" 1920x1200 to a 27" 2560x1440 monitor was a huge difference. Text is crisper outside of games, games look better, and I can run less AA for the same image quality. Even upscaled 1080p content like blu-ray looks better because of the higher DPI.


Of course like stated you need the GPU to support it, but if 1080 looks anything like 1440 then that is just your personal opinion based on your eyesight.


Hate to use them as an example since I am not a fan, but look in person at an iPad2(1024-by-768) and the new iPad(some strange res like 2056 x 1530 or something) side by side and tell me resolution doesn't make a big difference - even on that small screen the difference is noticable!

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The thing I like the most about a bigger screen is you see more of the game world.

That can make a HUGE difference in some games


you dont see more of a game world with a higher resolution -,- that is field of view not resolution.

Edited by WarWeeny

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The thing I like the most about a bigger screen is you see more of the game world.

That can make a HUGE difference in some games


you dont see more of a game world with a higher resolution -,- that is field of view not resolution.


I beg to differ. You DO see more of the game world with a higher res screen. It may not be the intention when buying a higher res screen but it is a side effect and you can call it "field of view" or "eggplant", it happens with a higher res screen and I can see more stuff :doh:

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The thing I like the most about a bigger screen is you see more of the game world.

That can make a HUGE difference in some games


you dont see more of a game world with a higher resolution -,- that is field of view not resolution.


I beg to differ. You DO see more of the game world with a higher res screen. It may not be the intention when buying a higher res screen but it is a side effect and you can call it "field of view" or "eggplant", it happens with a higher res screen and I can see more stuff :doh:


This is actually game dependent. For example I have noticed that playing Skyrim on a 1080 and now a 1440 I did not see more of the game world until I made adjustments. Some games do this automatically, some need to be tweaked.

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dpi = dots per inch ( printing ) . PPi = pixel per inch (computer screens ) .


sorry but it always bugs with when people run around saying dpi when they mean ppi

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The thing I like the most about a bigger screen is you see more of the game world.

That can make a HUGE difference in some games

you dont see more of a game world with a higher resolution -,- that is field of view not resolution.




I beg to differ. You DO see more of the game world with a higher res screen. It may not be the intention when buying a higher res screen but it is a side effect and you can call it "field of view" or "eggplant", it happens with a higher res screen and I can see more stuff :doh:




This is actually game dependent. For example I have noticed that playing Skyrim on a 1080 and now a 1440 I did not see more of the game world until I made adjustments. Some games do this automatically, some need to be tweaked.




:withstupid: If it doesn't scale the FoV up accordingly than the game may simply shrink things (like HUD and such) otherwise if it's dynamic, it will show you more of the game world.

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older games before widescreen took over you would see more on the screen based on resolution ( half life or any pre 2000 game) . now they auto scale to fit everything in basically in any resolution .

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