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Strange horizontal lines on Evga Gtx 680.


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Hi.I just got a Evga Gtx 680, when i play games after a few seconds when the card start warming up i start getting scrolling horizontal lines across the screen, they are quite faint and dont distort the picture, looks like tv interferance, im using a adapter dvi-vga cable . It only happens in games or 3dmark 11 or after exiting game in short time ( 1 or 2 minute ) on Windows 7.


Also i plug to that computer my other card MSI GTX 680 TWIN FROZR and that problems no occur. With Twin Frozr i dont have that issue. Only with that Evga Gtx 680;/ Maybe that Evga Gtx 680 have lower quality components and more sensitivity to run with DVI-VGA cable with adapter? Please help.

My monitor is LCD ,max 1440x900 resolution , brand ASUS.
















And i repeat last time. On other cards like Msi Gtx 680 Twin Frozr i dont have that issue. Even on my friends card Msi Gtx 680 ( reference ) i dont have that issue too on my pc. Cheers, please help.

Edited by litwicki22

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Well, at least you're not complaining about your scores :P


Try a different cable, remove the D-SUB to DVI converter and also try on another monitor. I know you're going to say "But my 680 TF runs fine!" and all that but that is the joy of maintaining a system. Everything might not work perfectly with each other. Your cards may run fine on this cable/monitor/whatever but may not run fine on the other cable/monitor/whatever.

Also try flashing to a newest BIOS and revert everything to stock settings.


Or you can just trade with Jenova69 for a 7950. I bet El_Capitan will like to make an offer too :haha:

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Or you can just trade with Jenova69 for a 7950. I bet El_Capitan will like to make an offer too :haha:

My offer still stands, pay me $50 and I'll take your card and all your troubles away! :P


On another serious note, here's your problem:

adapter dvi-vga cable


Why are you even using VGA? Don't you have a HDMI or DVI-D input on your monitor? Use a DVI-D to DVI-D connector. If you can afford a GTX 680, you can afford a good high quality but cheap connector (usually found for $2 - $5).

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Yeah i know but first i must to resolve that issue. You are sure that is adapter dvi-vga cable ?


But why other MSI cards working fine on that cable bro;)?


Did you read bro? :)


Try a different cable, remove the D-SUB to DVI converter and also try on another monitor. I know you're going to say "But my 680 TF runs fine!" and all that but that is the joy of maintaining a system. Everything might not work perfectly with each other. Your cards may run fine on this cable/monitor/whatever but may not run fine on the other cable/monitor/whatever.

Also try flashing to a newest BIOS and revert everything to stock settings.


If you're not gonna take our advice and just repeat yourself again and again and again and again and again like last time, I think you'll know what happen. Just saying


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Remove that DVI to D-sub converter. Use HDMI or DVI. Analong signal sometimes have problem and your case seems to be like that.


Oh god, its THIS guy again :glare:


*searches for internet wide crossposting*


Wait a minute. What did you say? :ph34r:

Edited by d6bmg

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Remove that DVI to D-sub converter. Use HDMI or DVI. Analong signal sometimes have problem and your case seems to be like that.




Wait a minute. What did you say? :ph34r:


Same guy as










This new thread is also here




And here



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