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Armstrong stripped of 7 Tour De France titles


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Though I'm sure we'll never know, it sounds a lot like he was guilty and decided he wanted to save face. If that's the case I'm glad the scumbag has been stripped and banned.


Sums up my point of view.

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Though I'm sure we'll never know, it sounds a lot like he was guilty and decided he wanted to save face. If that's the case I'm glad the scumbag has been stripped and banned.


Or may be he feel ashamed of fighting for a cause which never happened? We will never know.

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Actually this is the reason he quit....


Ever since the First win he had to take drug screenings and was accused of doping.... it cost him thousands of dollars to defend himself against the charges all to prove he wasn't and he has passed all test and it has cost him financially. Every win he's had there has been more doping allegations of which he's had to prove he wasn't doping.... over the last 7 wins this has cost him a few million dollars to prove he's been legit... there comes a time you just gotta say screw it....


He's passed every test and has underwent every test of which he's had to pay for and legal fees and court cost... this time he said screw it and throwing in the towel is an admission to guilt in the court system....


Why should one person win but then spend all their money defending that win or wins...? kinda takes the fun out of winning doesn't it?

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I think it all comes down to professional jealously. He won in France and he is an American so he HAD to be doping - yet absolutely no proof.

Now the anti-US doping agency, USADA, paid for by US taxpayers, says it will strip all past medals - they can't do that - no power - illegal. Their proof of wrong doing is some guys with accusations.

Personally, I don't think he is guilty - maybe of being good - but - not doping.

Some of his sponsors are sticking with him. That has to say something.

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Actually this is the reason he quit....


Ever since the First win he had to take drug screenings and was accused of doping.... it cost him thousands of dollars to defend himself against the charges all to prove he wasn't and he has passed all test and it has cost him financially. Every win he's had there has been more doping allegations of which he's had to prove he wasn't doping.... over the last 7 wins this has cost him a few million dollars to prove he's been legit... there comes a time you just gotta say screw it....


He's passed every test and has underwent every test of which he's had to pay for and legal fees and court cost... this time he said screw it and throwing in the towel is an admission to guilt in the court system....


Why should one person win but then spend all their money defending that win or wins...? kinda takes the fun out of winning doesn't it?



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