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Political parties



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  1. 1. Which Political Party Do You Affiliate Yourself With?

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That one you need to read the descriptions on. Some of them were not what I would have gone with had I not read the description.

And I'm a Libertarian-Leaning Conservative according to that one.


Yea a few of them are strangely worded for just support/oppose responses. But I like that it gives the descriptions for each answer and a brief history of each issue.

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I lean more to the left, but I think the U.S.'s political system is too tied up into left vs right, liberal vs conservative. Every person is different, and right now, it doesn't matter if you're Democrat or Republican, the government is too big and influenced too much by powerful rich people.



I'm a registered republican. I don't agree on everything the GOP stands for, I am pro-choice and think extending unemployment benies is actually a good thing. But I don't need my government to be my nanny and would rather them keep out of my life, and wallet.

New York is passing a law to limit soda/pop/soft drink sales to pints to "fight obesity"....you gotta be fracking kidding me! Every law they pass gives them more power to intrude into your life.

I wonder how free refills will work, I usually would just get the smallest cup anyway and get free refills haha (but I'm not a big soda drinker, just rather not to get screwed as badly)...I wonder what people travelling somewhere might do??

As much as I like the idea of lesser soda consumption (ideally) I feel like they'd keep the "small size" price, aka the most profitable, and make tons of this.


You guys should all do this test (it is VERY long) and see what comes out:


Political Compass

Results below


I vote we should all do it and have a thread with a poll so we can vote the result we get along with posting a more detailed result.

I agree but it seems like most everyone that followed his post have done it so this may be good enough, here's mine



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I can agree with that... we have the right to vote and elect in who we vote for but from there on they make all the rules...

We have the right to vote, and we could use it to change how things are done, but nobody has the balls. We've been brainwashed into thinking that we have to vote for one of the two main parties, and we're too stupid to figure out that by doing that we're just pawns of the corporations and banks. The two party system has been broken for 100 years, it can't be fixed from within. Congress could at any time pass laws that takes the money out of politics, but they never will.


If everyone started voting third party we could have real change overnight, but it won't happen because nobody has the balls.


We rant about what "they" are doing to us but expect change without real thinking or effort on our part. We've pretty much got what we deserve. :angry:Grow a pair, America.

Edited by Phil

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I took that political compass quiz a long time ago, and while it isn't bad, a lot of the questions are very generic. This is a much better quiz here: http://www.ontheissues.org/Quiz/Quiz2010.asp?quiz=Pres2012


This one is geared towards the issues (and is actually quite informative on all of them) and compares your answers to those of other candidates from whichever election you choose.

I took that and got Clinton, then Nader, then Obama. About where I figured I'd land, I was always a fan of alot of what Nader campaigned for


We have the right to vote, and we could use it to change how things are done, but nobody has the balls. We've been brainwashed into thinking that we have to vote for one of the two main parties, and we're too stupid to figure out that by doing that we're just pawns of the corporations and banks. The two party system has been broken for 100 years, it can't be fixed from within. Congress could at any time pass laws that takes the money out of politics, but they never will.


If everyone started voting third party we could have real change overnight, but it won't happen because nobody has the balls.


We rant about what "they" are doing to us but expect change without real thinking or effort on our part. We've pretty much got what we deserve. :angry:Grow a pair, America.

Amen, people need to understand that just because "every vote counts" doesn't mean it should only go into the big red or big blue teams

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I have said before and still stand by this position that the two party political system is one of the worst threats the people of this country face. These two parties collectively have stopped worrying about what is best for the country and instead worry about what is best for their party and personal political power. As for the so called conservative vs liberal debate to me that is just more of the same with a new name. I look at each issue and the choices we are faced with and my position is based on what is best for the nation as a whole. It is only when we work together for everyones benefit that we will individually benefit as well.

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We have the right to vote, and we could use it to change how things are done, but nobody has the balls. We've been brainwashed into thinking that we have to vote for one of the two main parties, and we're too stupid to figure out that by doing that we're just pawns of the corporations and banks. The two party system has been broken for 100 years, it can't be fixed from within. Congress could at any time pass laws that takes the money out of politics, but they never will.


I agree with you, I don't think either party should exist. However, because of the electoral college, and the way candidates base their campaigns around it, I don't see this happening anytime soon. In my opinion, voting for a third party is just drawing votes away from someone who actually has a chance to become president. I'm not saying don't vote for what you believe in, but the electoral college makes the popular vote more or less irrelevant anyway so you might as well voice your opinion on the two people that actually have a chance.., just my 2 cents.

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I have said before and still stand by this position that the two party political system is one of the worst threats the people of this country face. These two parties collectively have stopped worrying about what is best for the country and instead worry about what is best for their party and personal political power. As for the so called conservative vs liberal debate to me that is just more of the same with a new name. I look at each issue and the choices we are faced with and my position is based on what is best for the nation as a whole. It is only when we work together for everyones benefit that we will individually benefit as well.



I cannot argue with this... as I stated before it is all just labels for the people... I think they need to do a few things in my mind to help fix the issue....


1) Add "D: NONE of the Above" to all Ballots (or whatever letter would be the last after all Candidates are on the Ballot) they always say if you dont one candidate vote for the other but if both are Evil should you still vote evil... if the Goverment wanted a certain person for president all they have to do is get someone worse than the one they want to run against them...


2) get rid of the Electoral college... its old technology and was invented back int he day of old to no technology... we have the means no a days to tally each and every vote and let the mass majority decide as it should be...


there are more but thats all I am giving for now.............

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I agree with you, I don't think either party should exist. However, because of the electoral college, and the way candidates base their campaigns around it, I don't see this happening anytime soon. In my opinion, voting for a third party is just drawing votes away from someone who actually has a chance to become president. I'm not saying don't vote for what you believe in, but the electoral college makes the popular vote more or less irrelevant anyway so you might as well voice your opinion on the two people that actually have a chance.., just my 2 cents.

Sure, there are challenges, but the idea that a third party vote is wasted or disruptive guarantees that nothing will ever change. That's exactly what the powers that be want people to think, because it keeps them in business. Special interests win whether its Republicans or Democrats.


Nothing ever changes by doing the same things you always do. Every new path is blazed by pioneers, eventually everyone else sees that the path is safe and will take it. No pioneers means no change. I choose to be a pioneer. I encourage every voter who wants real change to do the same.

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