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[SOLVED] Online Game w/ Longevity


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Which games would you guys recommend for online play? I'm not talking two weeks then quit it, I'm talking something to come home to play for 1-3 hours: And still have fun for a few months.


I used to be a big CoD player back in MW2. BO turned me away from the series in general.

And I've watched my brother play BF3 a few times on PS3 when visiting, and I really like it.


I'm purchasing a GTX 560 Ti as soon as April 1st comes (getting SO impatient lol), so DirectX 11 and visuals do make a bit of a difference for me in BF3 and other games.


But (mostly) FPS (first person shooter): What online games have you guys enjoyed, and why? I wanted mini-reviews more or less, to help me decide. Because I really don't want to be buying more than 1 or 2 games: I'm planning to make enough investments and I don't want to push the budget too much.


--I'd like to add that competetiveness is a plus for me: My girlfriend (more than anyone else), mom, brother, friends etc.. One thing they know about is I'm good at video games. It's like the world's most useless inborn skill: From Nancy Drew to call of Duty to Tetris to Skyrim.. I have an unusual knack for picking up a game and falling in line with the top tier of players very quickly. So games that have a high concentration of good players (or good matchmaking) are attractive to me. Trolls are another story, but I understand the world is full of them, so either way that one doesn't matter much.

Edited by dragonsdontfly

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TDU2 is a great online game(if you like cars)..

the review:


the setup: ok I'm running this game on my rig in the sig(but a q9300 instead of the e8400) with a Fanatec Porsche Carrera gaming wheel w/ 6+1 speed H shifter and clutch, and a logitech extreme 3d pro joystick as a handbrake and some misc buttons....


the settings: the graphics are pretty good...i running 1600x1200 w/ x4 AA and Vsync enabled...all texture qualities on high and I get a average of 34fps using 748mb of Vram...


gameplay: the gameplay is great...the single player career mode gets quite challanging later on in the game..and it's one that never ends...there's always something you want..:)

when playing online you can join or make a club and hold club races(against other clubs) to see who's the best and to gain better poll positions...and that's something that always fluctuates..having a club myself in 867th position, at this point if you lose one race you can lose 600 postions..and then it's like starting again...

and then when you get bored of that...you can build your avatar's wealth up...


but personally I spend around 5-8hrs a week playing this game, and I haven't got bored yet...

and then there's exploring..to unlock bonus cars :D


the conclusion;

pros..the variety of cars, places to go, things to do, the career mode, it's open-city, and it has a good multiplayer mode.


cons..even after the patch there are still a large number of glitches(as in bsods and game crashes) the next patch should be released soon though.

i would prefer a little more customization of the cars(ie. bodypanels, rims, etx)


the end(finally :D)


i know it wasn't a fps but it's a multiplayer game tht i like so i posted it

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I'm looking into the secret world right now. One of the only MMOs that caught my attention. Direct X11, highly graphic, online multiplayer (squad based instance) role playing game.. Kinda the gist I've gotten from it, going to take a more in depth look. No idea when release date is gonna be though :/


I'll check out a few video reviews of TDU2, and I've never even heard of world of tanks, so i'll give that a look if youtube has anything on it.

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I took a look at TDU2, not very interested. Doesn't look like a bad game, but not something I'd put in my list right now as I'm only looking for one or two games. Though i'm still considering the secret world, really does seem like a change the MMO genre needed.


Since WoT is F2P, I'm at least going to give it a try.


Any other game recommendations?

Edited by dragonsdontfly

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Trackmania on and off for 8 years :lol: playing seriously on my current account.


Haha racing game though :)


Online fps games never seem to have longevity for that what you really need is rpg games.


Have a look at combat arms tho.

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Nothing really holding my attention on the PC atm for online gaming. Many here are BF3 fans so you will find tons of people to play with from here. It plays completely different than Call of Duty though. It is too slow paced for my taste. Vehicles are so overpowered it is insane ...though it is kind of fun getting a 300 yard headshot with a tank. You can easily blockade the enemy in their base with just two vehicles.


If you do an MMO, make sure you find one that has REALLY good end game content. One that allows you to be competitive with other players and with bosses only a select few guilds can do. Otherwise they get boring pretty quick.


Black OPS really did suck but MW3 is pretty fun. That is what I spend most of my online time playing. I am definitely the black sheep here because of that, not to mention i play on XBL with my friends which makes me even more of a loner. So you won't find anyone here to play with. Where as if you go BF3 I think there are at least 5 people here who play almost every day. If you saw BF3 at your bros place and enjoyed it, I would say go with BF3. Known quantity is a lot better than paying $60 on unknown.

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Runescape, addiction guaranteed or your money back. :teehee:

Back in middle school I bought an amulet of fury for 1.2mil...


Logged in like 10 years later, for lolz. Sold it for 30mil (which was about average, they became a LOT harder to make since I last played) xD


Epic profit margin, had the richest character in the game: used what I had to keep buying and selling for profit (til my ex-landlord's 13 year old son convinced me to let him play.. need I say more)


--Btw guys I've got til middle of April to pick a game, so no rush. And I appreciate the input. I am considering BF3 because it looked good, but yeah I did love CoD: It was always my best game (MW2 earned me quite a reputation, might still be able to find some of ym videos from other clan mates, I'll link them if anyone asks.)

Edited by dragonsdontfly

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(MW2 earned me quite a reputation, might still be able to find some of ym videos from other clan mates, I'll link them if anyone asks.)

post 'em - I got some YT videos of both MW2 and MW3


just use (spoiler) (/spoiler) tags since no one else will care to watch them :P

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