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i7 3930k hyperthreading kills 3 cores?

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I recently got myself a i7 3930k and an Asus Rampage IV Extreme mobo, i have discovered that if i have hyper threading enabled it will only enable 3 physical cores and thus have 6 threads. However if i disable hyper threading it will enable 6 physical cores and have 6 threads, all of this is supported by evidence form windows task manager, CPUZ and OCCT.


I have left all other cpu setting default, this has been happening since i got it and the only thing that seems to change it is the hyper threading switch.


If i cannot have hyper threading that's fair enough i am not going to go ape over it but it says i can have hyper threading so i want the choice. I just dont understand why this would happen, any help would be greatly appreciated guys.


NOTE: i will attach two screenshots from CPUZ, one with HT turned on and thus 3 physical cores and 6 threads, and one with HT turned off and thus with 6 physical cores and 6 threads.



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Could have something to do with Turbo Core/Clock (whichever tech is Intel's). The 3.8 GHz of the HT-off image is the turbo speed while the the 3.2 GHz of the HT-on image is the stock clock. Not sure if that means anything, but looks interesting to me.

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Happened before and after the bios update.


Happens with and without turbo turned on, the differences in the core clocks are that one was taken as my computer was turning on the other was a bit afterwards.

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Sounds like a setting in the BIOS is not correct. Do you have all cores enabled under the CPU performance tab?


Yes i have it set to all the entire time, just as default.

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Probably a bad CPU. I'd call Intel and see if they can figure it out for ya.



May be you should send the chip for RMA, as this is the first instance I'm hearing of this problem.

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Alright, this seems to be the consensus so far, i will do so tomorrow.


Thanks gents.


Coming from an i7 3930k owner, I definately thinks the CPU is faulty unless you magically overlooked something in your bios

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